Legislation Sponsored by Seabaugh,Mitch 28th (33)
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Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

SB 0005 MonitorSecure and Verifiable Identity Document Act; drivers' licenses; provisions (PF) Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
5/11/2007 Senate Date Signed by Governor MotV PS&HS -
SB 0047 MonitorSchool Districts; agree to assist employees in qualified investment plan;define certain terms; provide for certain offenses/penalties Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
1/25/2007 Senate Read and Referred -RET -
SB 0063 MonitorProperty; provide for definition of single-family residential real estate; exemption to certain liens Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
1/29/2007 Senate Read and Referred -JUDY -
SB 0064 MonitorLiens; wrong real estate; provide for a special designation Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
1/29/2007 Senate Read and Referred -JUDY -
SB 0065 MonitorProperty; single family residential real estate; contract to perform work; provide requirements Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
1/29/2007 Senate Read and Referred -JUDY -
SB 0146 MonitorPublic Works bidding; provide definitions; advertisement of contract opportunities Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
5/29/2007 Senate Date Signed by Governor SI&P RI&Util -
SB 0268 MonitorLabor, Dept. of; program of mandatory drug testing of applicants for unemployment benefits; review; define certain terms Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
3/1/2007 Senate Read and Referred -I&L -
SB 0299 MonitorModel Rockets; provide exemption when defining explosive for certain purposes Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
3/19/2007 Senate Read and Referred -PS&HS -
SB 0336 MonitorQuality Basic Education Act; state playoff game; no high school funded under this Act shall be required seating capacity (PF) Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
1/14/2008 Senate Read and Referred -ED&Y -
SB 0337 MonitorGeorgia Lottery Corporation Board of Directors; provide for certain duties (PF) Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
1/14/2008 Senate Read and Referred -ECD -
SB 0407 MonitorContractors; revise definition of a certain term for purposes of clarification Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
2/5/2008 Senate Read and Referred -RI&Util -
SB 0445 MonitorAdministrative Procedure; effectiveness of a challenged agency rule;General Assembly take action on such rule at next legislative session Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
4/4/2008 House Withdrawn, Recommitted GAff GvtO -
SB 0473 MonitorAccountants; increase regulatory protections for consumers of accounting services; definitions Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
4/2/2008 House Lost Reconsidered Bill/Res B&B RI&Util -
SB 0491 MonitorRetirement; establish employee contribution for group term life insurance Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
2/20/2008 Senate Read and Referred -RET -
SB 0548 MonitorState Purchasing; prohibit use of state funds by purchase orders or other such payment vehicles for personal benefit or gain; penalties Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
3/18/2008 House Second Readers App GvtO -
SR 0010 MonitorTidwell, Josh; commend Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
1/9/2007 Senate Read and Adopted ---
SR 0011 MonitorDoyle, Mr. Allen Michael; recognize Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
1/9/2007 Senate Read and Adopted ---
SR 0031 MonitorCloudsdale, Rickey; commend Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
1/11/2007 Senate Read and Adopted ---
SR 0093 MonitorCoweta Up In Smoke Barbecue Cook-off; recognize Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
1/29/2007 Senate Read and Adopted ---
SR 0282 MonitorGeorgia One Tax; prohibit subsequent imposition of state ad valorem taxes/state income taxes; comprehensive consumption tax - CA Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
2/20/2007 Senate Read and Referred -FIN -
SR 0306 MonitorJohnson, Mr. Billy Ray "B.R." ; condolences Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
2/21/2007 Senate Read and Adopted ---
SR 0370 MonitorCourt of Appeals/Supreme Court; election; term of office-CA Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
3/1/2007 Senate Read and Referred -JUDY -
SR 0410 MonitorWood, Lieutenant Colonel Roy W.; recognize Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
3/19/2007 Senate Read and Adopted ---
SR 0414 MonitorFuller, Martha; condolences Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
3/19/2007 Senate Read and Adopted ---
SR 0453 MonitorVeterans Memorial Highway; Carroll County; dedicate Seabaugh,Mitch 28th
3/20/2007 Senate Read and Referred -TRANS -
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.