Bills Assigned to Keyword - Annexation (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 7/23/2024

H 3236 Allows a municipality to annex an area by ordinance if the area is completely surrounded by the municipalitySummary of the bill as introduced: Allows a municipality to annex an area by ordinance if the area is completely surrounded by the municipality and has been for at least five years.
Sponsor: Joseph Bustos House Com: MMPMA Senate Com:
Status: House - Member(s) request name removed as sponsor: Landing Status Date: 1/24/2024
Keywords: Advocacy Initiatives 2023 Annexation House
H 4586 Enacts the Private Landowner Protection ActSummary of the bill as introduced: Allows counties to deannex areas of existing municipal corporate limits and requires municipalities to receive county approval before annexations can occur.
Sponsor: Christopher Wooten House Com: MMPMA Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Status Date: 1/9/2024
Keywords: Annexation House
H 4651 Enacts the Annexation Fairness ActSummary of the bill as introduced: Gives county council legal standing to challenge an annexation or deannexation by a municipality.
Sponsor: Thomas Beach House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: Scrivener's error corrected Status Date: 1/10/2024
Keywords: Annexation House
S 0198 Prohibits extensions of water and sewer systems by a municipality conditioned on annexationSummary of the bill as introduced: Prohibits extensions of water and sewer systems by a municipality conditioned on annexation.
Sponsor: Michael Fanning House Com: Senate Com: Judy
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 1/10/2023
Keywords: Annexation Senate Sewer Water
Of Interest
S 1017 Applies a property tax exemption for nonprofit housing corporations only to a certain percentage of the property04.25.2024 The House Ways and Means Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The committee removed the subcommittee amendment and added language that qualifies projects that set lower income thresholds for residents in cities located within a North Carolina metropolitan statistical area whose population exceeds 500,000 residents. 04.23.2024 The House Ways and Means Property Tax subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment changes the language of the bill so that in order to qualify for the property tax exemption all of the units within an eligible project in certain zip codes be rented to very low income residents as designated by HUD's Fair Market Rent guidelines.04.17.2024 THe House Ways and Means Property Tax subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill.02.27.2024 The Senate Finance Committee gave this bill a favorable report.02.22.2024 The Senate Finance Property Taxation subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Applies a property tax exemption for nonprofit housing corporations only to the percentage of property that equals the corporation's ownership interest in the property. This bill also prohibits annexation of agricultural property by a municipality without express written agreement by the owner.
Sponsor: Michael Johnson House Com: WM Senate Com: Fin
Status: Senate - Conference committee appointed Setzler, M.Johnson, Verdin Status Date: 5/9/2024
Keywords: Annexation Property Taxes

Municipal Association of South Carolina
1411 Gervais St., PO Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211
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