Legislation Sponsored by Neal Collins (3)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 6/21/2024

H 3066 Enacts Fargo's and Hyco's LawSummary of the bill as introduced: Increases penalties for wilfully or maliciously torturing, mutilating, injuring, disabling, poisoning or killing a police dog or horse.
Sponsor: Neal Collins House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: House - Member(s) request name added as sponsor: McGinnis Status Date: 1/13/2021
Keywords: House Police Public Safety
Of Interest
H 3244 Employment First Initiative Act04.22.2021 The Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment reduces the commission membership from 17 to 9 members and strikes language to only focus on state agencies and not political subdivisions.04.21.2021 The Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Labor and Employment subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report. Summary of the bill as introduced: Establishes policies supportive of competitive and integrated employment for individuals with disabilities. 
Sponsor: Neal Collins House Com: LCI Senate Com: LCI
Status: Senate - Conference committee appointed Shealy, Bennett, Sabb Status Date: 5/13/2021
Keywords: Employment/Personnel
Of Interest
H 4524 Authorizes a correctional officer to serve warrants issued by municipal jurisdictions within the same countySummary of the bill as introduced: Authorizes a correctional officer to serve warrants issued by municipal jurisdictions within the same county on a person incarcerated in that county's jail.
Sponsor: Neal Collins House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 1/11/2022
Keywords: Courts House Police
Of Interest

Municipal Association of South Carolina
1411 Gervais St., PO Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211
Phone: 803.799.9574, Fax: 803.933.1299, mail@masc.sc