Kevin (125)
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Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

HB 0001 OpposeLabor and Employment - Maryland Healthy Working Families Act Luke Clippinger
5/25/2017 House - Vetoed by the Governor (Policy) ECM FIN -
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
Written Testimony on 3/14/2017
HB 0023 No PositionVehicle Laws - School Vehicles - Definition Clarence Lam
5/26/2017 House - Vetoed by the Governor (Duplicative) E&T JPR -
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
HB 0065 No PositionLabor and Employment - Maryland Healthy Working Families Act Michael Jackson
1/30/2017 House - Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters; Withdrawn ECM --
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
HB 0073 No PositionElection Law - Election Judges - Minimum Age Eric Luedtke
5/27/2017 House - Enacted under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland Constitution - Chapter 796 WM EHE -
06 - Elections - Kevin Kevin Original Position - SUPPORT WITH AMENDMENT
HB 0143 No PositionElections - Miscellaneous Duties and Procedures Ways and Means
4/11/2017 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 107 WM RUL -
06 - Elections - Kevin Kevin
HB 0153 SupportCreation of a State Debt - Qualified Zone Academy Bonds The Speaker
4/11/2017 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 32 APP BT -
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
Written Testimony on 3/28/2017
HB 0167 SupportCounties and Municipalities - At-Will Supervisory Employees - Residency Requirements Cory McCray
5/25/2017 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 776 APP FIN -
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin Original Position - SUPPORT WITH AMENDMENT
Written Testimony on 3/29/2017
HB 0168 No PositionElection Law - Required Notifications - Voter Challenges or Intimidation Samuel Rosenberg
2/7/2017 House - Hearing 2/07 at 1:30 p.m. WM --
06 - Elections - Kevin Kevin
HB 0201 No PositionEmployees' and Teachers' Pension Systems - Reformed Contributory Pension Benefit - Service Credit Purchase Clarification Ben Barnes
4/18/2017 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 270 APP BT -
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
HB 0204 No PositionCommunity Colleges - Small Community Colleges - Funding Susan Krebs
2/7/2017 House - Hearing 2/07 at 1:00 p.m. APP --
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
HB 0214 No PositionDiscrimination in Employment - Conditions Related to Pregnancy or Childbirth Marice Morales
2/14/2017 House - Hearing 2/14 at 1:00 p.m. ECM --
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
HB 0317 OpposeLabor and Employment - Wages and Benefits - Preemption of Local Authority Dereck Davis
3/7/2017 House - Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters; Withdrawn ECM --
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
Written Testimony on 2/7/2017
HB 0341 No PositionMaryland Student Transportation Safety Act Christian Miele
3/14/2017 House - Unfavorable Report by Environment and Transportation E&T --
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
HB 0345 OpposeElective Franchise - Registration and Voting at Polling Place Kirill Reznik
2/16/2017 House - Hearing 2/16 at 1:00 p.m. WM --
06 - Elections - Kevin Kevin
Written Testimony on 2/16/2017
HB 0353 No PositionElection Law - Change in Administrative Policy Affecting Voting Rights - Notice Samuel Rosenberg
5/4/2017 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 441 WM EHE -
06 - Elections - Kevin Kevin
HB 0382 OpposeCommonsense Paid Leave Act The Speaker
2/10/2017 House - Hearing 2/10 at 12:30 p.m. ECM --
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
Written Testimony on 2/10/2017
HB 0398 No PositionLabor and Employment - Salary History Information Disclosures Karen Young
3/24/2017 Senate - Hearing canceled ECM --
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
HB 0413 No PositionPathways in Technology Early College High (P-TECH) School Act of 2017 The Speaker
2/21/2017 House - Hearing 2/21 at 1:00 p.m. (Ways and Means) APP --
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
HB 0441 No PositionEducation - Debt Service for Transferred Schools - County Reimbursement Grace Period Curtis Anderson
5/25/2017 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 594 APP BT -
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
HB 0450 No PositionState Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Prescription Drugs and Devices - Copayment or Coinsurance Requirements Eric Bromwell
2/27/2017 House - Unfavorable Report by Appropriations; Withdrawn APP --
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin Original Position - SUPPORT WITH AMENDMENT
HB 0465 No Position"EARN" Apprenticeships (Expand Apprenticeship Resources Now Act) Cory McCray
3/17/2017 House - Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters ECM --
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
HB 0497 No PositionEducation - Grounds for Discipline Alonzo Washington
2/14/2017 House - Hearing 2/14 at 1:00 p.m. WM --
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
HB 0507 No PositionCommunity Colleges and Local Governments - Unfair Labor Practices - Prohibition Eric Luedtke
4/6/2017 Senate - Unfavorable Report by Finance APP --
03 - Education - Drew Kevin Original Position - OPPOSE
Written Testimony on 2/14/2017
HB 0531 No PositionLabor and Employment - Labor Organizations - Right to Work Warren Miller
2/20/2017 House - Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters ECM --
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
HB 0532 No PositionElection Law - Qualification of Voters - Proof of Identity Neil Parrott
3/6/2017 House - Unfavorable Report by Ways and Means WM --
06 - Elections - Kevin Kevin
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.