Legislation Sponsored by Eric Luedtke (10)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

HB 0073 No PositionElection Law - Election Judges - Minimum Age Eric Luedtke
5/27/2017 House - Enacted under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland Constitution - Chapter 796 WM EHE -
06 - Elections - Kevin Kevin Original Position - SUPPORT WITH AMENDMENT
HB 0083 No PositionIncome Tax - Subtraction Modification - Discharged Student Loan Debt Eric Luedtke
5/25/2017 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 685 WM BT -
01 - Taxes and Revenues - Kevin Drew
HB 0118 SupportElection Law - Persons Doing Public Business - Reporting by Governmental Entities Eric Luedtke
5/26/2017 House - Vetoed by the Governor (Duplicative) WM EHE -
02 - Finance - Kevin Drew
Written Testimony on 2/7/2017
HB 0174 No PositionEducation - Children With Disabilities - Individualized Education Program Process - Parental Consent Eric Luedtke
5/26/2017 House - Vetoed by the Governor (Duplicative) WM EHE -
03 - Education - Drew
HB 0197 No PositionEducation - Remote Classroom Technology Grant Program - Establishment (Peyton's Bill) Eric Luedtke
5/26/2017 House - Vetoed by the Governor (Duplicative) WM EHE -
03 - Education - Drew
HB 0215 OpposeCounty Revenues - Business Fees and Personal Property Tax Exemption Eric Luedtke
3/9/2017 House - Unfavorable Report by Ways and Means; Withdrawn WM --
01 - Taxes and Revenues - Kevin Drew
Written Testimony on 2/7/2017
HB 0507 No PositionCommunity Colleges and Local Governments - Unfair Labor Practices - Prohibition Eric Luedtke
4/6/2017 Senate - Unfavorable Report by Finance APP --
03 - Education - Drew Kevin Original Position - OPPOSE
Written Testimony on 2/14/2017
HB 0697 OpposeChild Abuse and Neglect - Statewide Reporting - 2-1-1 Maryland Eric Luedtke
3/7/2017 House - Unfavorable Report by Health and Government Operations; Withdrawn HGO --
11 - Health and Human Services - Michael
Written Testimony on 2/23/2017
HB 0978 No PositionEducation - Accountability - Consolidated State Plan and Support and Improvement Plans (Protect Our Schools Act of 2017) Eric Luedtke
4/6/2017 Senate - Gubernatorial Veto Override (Legislative date: 4/5/2017) - Chapter 29 WM EHE -
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
HB 0979 No PositionProperty Tax Credit - Public Safety Officers Eric Luedtke
5/25/2017 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 686 WM BT -
01 - Taxes and Revenues - Kevin Drew
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.