Legislation Sponsored by Richard Madaleno (11)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

SB 0359 No PositionEducation - Maryland Meals for Achievement In-Classroom Breakfast Program - Administration (Maryland Meals for Achievement for Teens Act of 2017) Richard Madaleno
5/26/2017 Senate - Vetoed by the Governor (Duplicative) WM EHE -
03 - Education - Drew
SB 0360 No PositionState Department of Education - Breakfast and Lunch Programs - Funding (The Maryland Cares for Kids Act) Richard Madaleno
3/21/2017 House - Hearing 3/21 at 1:00 p.m. ---
03 - Education - Drew
SB 0361 No PositionHunger-Free Schools Act of 2017 Richard Madaleno
5/26/2017 Senate - Vetoed by the Governor (Duplicative) WM --
03 - Education - Drew
SB 0366 SupportPublic Health - Rabies Vaccination Information - Submission to Local Agencies and Use for Licensing Richard Madaleno
3/21/2017 House - Hearing 3/21 at 1:00 p.m. -EHE -
05 - Business Affairs - Michael
Written Testimony on 3/21/2017
SB 0563 No PositionTransportation - Highway User Revenues - Distribution to Municipalities Richard Madaleno
2/28/2017 Senate - Hearing 2/28 at 1:00 p.m. -BT -
21 - Transportation and Public Works - Drew Drew
SB 0564 No PositionTransportation - Highway User Revenues - Distribution to Municipalities Richard Madaleno
2/28/2017 Senate - Hearing 2/28 at 1:00 p.m. -BT -
21 - Transportation and Public Works - Drew Drew
SB 0784 OpposeDepartment of Juvenile Services - Youth Services Bureau - Budget Appropriation Richard Madaleno
3/7/2017 Senate - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. -BT -
11 - Health and Human Services - Michael
Written Testimony on 3/7/2017
SB 0812 No PositionHousing and Community Development - Community Development Program Act Richard Madaleno
4/6/2017 House - First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations -BT -
12 - Housing and Community Development - Michael
SB 0873 No PositionEconomic Development - Job Creation Tax Credit - Alteration Richard Madaleno
5/4/2017 Senate - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 489 RUL BT -
02 - Finance - Kevin Drew
SB 0927 No PositionExcise Tax and Sales Tax - Cannabis Richard Madaleno
3/8/2017 Senate - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m. (Budget and Taxation) -BT -
01 - Taxes and Revenues - Kevin Drew
SB 0962 OpposeLabor and Employment - Payment of Minimum Wage Required (Fight for Fifteen) Richard Madaleno
3/15/2017 Senate - Hearing 3/15 at 1:00 p.m. -FIN -
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
Written Testimony on 3/15/2017
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.