Legislation Sponsored by Aruna Miller (4)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

HB 0281 No PositionEducation - Computer Science - Curriculum and Professional Development (Securing the Future: Computer Science Education for All) Aruna Miller
5/8/2018 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 358 WM EHE -
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
HB 0387 OpposePublic Information Act - Suits Filed by Custodians - Prohibition Aruna Miller
2/13/2018 Unfavorable Report by Health and Government Operations; Withdrawn HGO --
18 - Public Information and Ethics - Alex
HB 0505 OpposeUse of Public Funds - Playground and Athletic Field Surfaces - Preferences and Prohibitions Aruna Miller
2/8/2018 Hearing 2/08 at 2:00 p.m. APP --
15 - Parks and Recreation - Alex
Written Testimony on 2/8/2018
HB 0864 No PositionCollective Bargaining - Memorandum of Understanding - Continuation Aruna Miller
4/5/2018 Enacted under Article II, Section 17(b) of the Maryland Constitution - Chapter 23 APP FIN -
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.