Legislation Sponsored by James Tarlau (6)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

HB 0280 No PositionBallot Access - Voter Registration - Affiliating With a Party James Tarlau
2/6/2018 Hearing 2/06 at 1:00 p.m. WM --
06 - Elections - Kevin Kevin
HB 0305 Support W/AHomestead Property Tax Credit Program - Eligibility Awareness James Tarlau
4/24/2018 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 297 WM BT -
01 - Taxes and Revenues - Kevin Drew
Written Testimony on 2/6/2018
HB 0400 Support W/AAgriculture - Mosquito Control - Notification to Municipalities James Tarlau
4/24/2018 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 296 E&T EHE -
09 - Environment - Alex
Written Testimony on 3/20/2018
HB 0808 No PositionEducation – Collective Bargaining for Noncertificated Employees – Supervisory Employees and Management Personnel James Tarlau
5/25/2018 Vetoed by the Governor (Policy) WM FIN -
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
HB 0951 No PositionHigher Education Degree and Job Certification Without Debt Act of 2018 James Tarlau
3/8/2018 Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m. (Ways and Means) WM --
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
HB 0974 No PositionLabor and Employment - Exemptions From Overtime Pay - Administrative, Executive, or Professional Capacity James Tarlau
3/15/2018 Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters ECM --
08 - Employee Benefits and Relations - Drew Kevin
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.