Legislation Sponsored by Jheanelle Wilkins (6)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

HB 0502 No PositionProperty Tax Credit - Surviving Spouse of Veteran Jheanelle Wilkins
4/24/2018 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 309 WM BT -
01 - Taxes and Revenues - Kevin Drew
HB 0503 No PositionState Department of Education - Translation Grant Program - Established Jheanelle Wilkins
4/2/2018 Unfavorable Report by Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs WM EHE -
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
HB 0628 No PositionCorrectional Services - Inmates - Labor Jheanelle Wilkins
3/27/2018 Hearing 3/27 at 1:00 p.m. JUD JPR -
19 - Public Safety and Corrections - Michael
HB 0978 No PositionState Income and Property Tax Credits - Purple Line Construction Zone Jheanelle Wilkins
2/20/2018 Hearing 2/20 at 1:00 p.m. WM --
01 - Taxes and Revenues - Kevin Drew
HB 1651 Support W/ASustainable Communities – Designation Jheanelle Wilkins
4/3/2018 Hearing 4/03 at 1:00 p.m. E&T EHE -
17 - Planning and Zoning - Alex
Written Testimony on 3/6/2018
HB 1717 No PositionState Government - Protection of Information - Voter Registration Numbers Jheanelle Wilkins
5/8/2018 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 552 RUL RUL -
06 - Elections - Kevin Kevin
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.