Legislation Sponsored by Joanne Benson (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

SB 0014 No PositionMotor Vehicle Administration - Parking Placards - Color Photograph Joanne Benson
1/25/2018 Unfavorable Report by Judicial Proceedings -JPR -
21 - Transportation and Public Works - Drew Drew
SB 0474 Support W/AEthics - Local Public Ethics Commissions and Entities - Meeting and Reporting Requirements Joanne Benson
5/8/2018 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 457 E&T EHE -
18 - Public Information and Ethics - Alex
Written Testimony on 2/8/2018
SB 0572 No PositionPrevailing Wage Rates - Public Work Contracts - Suits by Employees Joanne Benson
5/25/2018 Vetoed by the Governor (Policy) ECM FIN -
04 - School Construction & Capital Budget - Drew Alex
SB 0775 OpposeEducation - Salaries of Noncertificated Public School Employees - Minimum Living Salaries Joanne Benson
3/15/2018 Hearing 3/15 at 1:00 p.m. -FIN -
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
Written Testimony on 3/15/2018
SB 0927 Support W/AAlarm Systems - Registration and Renewal - Penalties Joanne Benson
5/8/2018 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 478 ECM EHE -
19 - Public Safety and Corrections - Michael
Written Testimony on 3/6/2018
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.