Legislation Sponsored by Maggie McIntosh (4)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

HB 0689 No PositionColonel Todd J. Hixson Memorial Resource Center Act Maggie McIntosh
5/8/2018 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 474 WM EHE -
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
HB 0693 Support W/AState Education Aid - Tax Increment Financing Development Districts - Repeal of Sunset Provision Maggie McIntosh
5/8/2018 Approved by the Governor - Chapter 387 APP BT -
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
Written Testimony on 3/22/2018
HB 1235 Support W/AEducation - Maryland Meals for Achievement In-Classroom Breakfast Program - Eligibility and Annual Appropriation Maggie McIntosh
3/13/2018 Hearing 3/13 at 1:00 p.m. (Ways and Means) WM --
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
Written Testimony on 3/13/2018
HB 1697 No PositionEducation - Commercial Gaming Revenues - Constitutional Amendment Maggie McIntosh
4/9/2018 Second Reading Passed RUL RUL -
03 - Education - Drew Kevin
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.