Bills Assigned to Keyword - Week of 02.13.2017 (11)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 6/21/2024

H 3055 Stop the School House to Jail House Pipeline Act05.02.2017 The Senate Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report.04.27.2017 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.03.21.2017 The House Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee. 03.02.2017 The House Judiciary Criminal Laws subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment strikes the entire bill except the language that creates a Disturbing Schools Study Committee. The amendment changes the report date to March 2018.02.16.2017 THe House Judiciary Criminal Laws subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill.Summary of the bill as introduced: Creates a study committee on juvenile justice that includes disturbing schools policy.
Sponsor: Leola Robinson-Simpson House Com: Judy Senate Com: Judy
Status: Roll call Ayes-42 Nays-0 Status Date: 5/10/2018
Keywords: House Public Safety Week of 02.13.2017 Week of 02.27.2017 Week of 03.20.2017 Week of 04.24.2017 Week of 05.01.2017
Of Interest
H 3143 Allows a municipality to contract with a public or private academic institution to provide police protection02.16.2017 The House Judiciary Criminal Laws subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows a municipality to contract with a public or private academic institution to provide police protection services.
Sponsor: James Burns House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 1/10/2017
Keywords: House Police Week of 02.13.2017
H 3333 Requires the Legislative Audit Council to conduct a management performance audit of the Office of Indigent Defense02.14.2017 The House Judiciary Committee recommitted this bill to the subcommittee.02.08.2017 The House Judiciary Constitutional Laws subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment removes the language that required the Office of Indigent Defense to pay the Legislative Audit Council for the audit. 01.26.2017 The House Judiciary Constitutional Laws subcommittee did not take action on this bill although it was on the agenda.Summary of the bill as introduced: Requires the Legislative Audit Council to conduct a management performance audit of the Office of Indigent Defense beginning December 2017 and every three years after.
Sponsor: Jeffrey Johnson House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 1/10/2017
Keywords: Courts Finance/Revenue/Taxes House Week of 01.23.2017 Week of 02.06.2017 Week of 02.13.2017
Of Interest
H 3726 Makes changes to the SC Retirement System04.04.2017 The conference committee adopted portions of each version of the bill and passed it out favorably.02.14.2017 The House Ways and Means Legislative subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report. Summary of the bill as introduced: Pays down the unfunded liability of the state retirement system and reduces the assumed annual rate of return from 7.5 percent to 7.25 percent.This bill increases the employer contribution rate for SCRS and PORS by 2 percent effective July 1. It increases the employer contribution 1 percent each year through 2023 ultimately producing an employer rate of 18.56 for SCRS and 21.24 for PORS. It also places a cap of 9 percent on the employee contribution rate effective July 1. There is no reduction in cost of living adjustments for retirees.
Sponsor: William Herbkersman House Com: WM Senate Com: Fin
Status: Act No. 13 Status Date: 4/28/2017
Keywords: Retirement Week of 02.06.2017 Week of 02.13.2017 Week of 04.03.2017
S 0078 Requires state guard members to be entitled to military leave without loss of pay while attending training04.19.2017 A House Ways and Means Legislative subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.02.22.2017 The Senate General Committee gave this bill a favorable report.02.16.2017 A Senate General subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.01.26.2017 A Senate General subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Requires state guard members to be entitled to military leave without loss of pay, seniority or efficiency rating while attending state guard encampment, training or ordered to active duty.
Sponsor: Thomas Alexander House Com: WM Senate Com: Gen
Status: Referred to Committee on Ways and Means Status Date: 3/13/2017
Keywords: General Governance Senate Week of 01.23.2017 Week of 02.13.2017 Week of 02.20.2017 Week of 04.17.2017
Of Interest
S 0114 Allows manufacturers or producers of alcoholic beverages to donate products to nonprofit organizations05.02.2017 The House Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report.04.25.2017 The House Judiciary Committee did not take action on this bill although it was on the agenda.04.05.2017 The House Judiciary General Laws subcommittee failed to give this bill a favorable report.02.21.2017 The Senate Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report.02.15.2017 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment limits to specific nonprofit events, not exceeding four per year. The amendment requires the continued adherence to the three-tiered system. Non-profits would be required to present its special event permit to the alcohol provider and the provider would be required to provide specified information in its invoice to the nonprofit.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows manufacturers or producers of beer, ale, porter, wine and alcoholic liquors to donate products and furnish representatives to dispense and promote their beverages to qualified nonprofit organizations that intend to sell these products at permitted events to raise money for the organization.
Sponsor: Sean Bennett House Com: Judy Senate Com: Judy
Status: Act No. 44 Status Date: 5/31/2017
Keywords: General Governance Senate Week of 02.13.2017 Week of 02.20.2017 Week of 04.03.2017 Week of 04.24.2017 Week of 05.01.2017
S 0131 Restructures the offenses that involve disturbing schools05.02.2018 The House Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report.04.19.2018 The House Judiciary Criminal Laws subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.03.21.2017 The Senate Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment requires than an administrator must be brought in when practical before law enforcement is contacted to remove a suspended student.03.07.2017 The Senate Judiciary Committee carried this bill over.02.21.2017 The Senate Judiciary Committee did not take action on this bill although it was on the agenda.02.15.2017 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report. Summary of the bill as introduced: Restructures the offenses and penalties into a delineated list of actions that involve disturbing schools.
Sponsor: Maymia McLeod House Com: Judy Senate Com: Judy
Status: Act No. 182 Status Date: 5/31/2018
Keywords: Police Senate Week of 02.13.2017 Week of 02.20.2017 Week of 03.06.2017 Week of 03.20.2017 Week of 04.16.2018 Week of 04.30.2018
S 0261 S.C. Commercial-Property Assessed Clean Energy Act (C-PACE)05.10.2017 The House Labor, Commerce and Industry Executive subcommittee carried this over.03.09.2017 The Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee.02.23.2017 The Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee carried this over.02.15.2017 The Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Regulatory and Local Government subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment removes all language that would allow bonds.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows a governing body to establish a district by ordinance to promote, encourage and facilitate clean energy improvements within its geographic area.
Sponsor: Thomas Alexander House Com: LCI Senate Com: LCI
Status: Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry Status Date: 3/30/2017
Keywords: Environment Utilities Week of 01.16.2017 Week of 02.13.2017 Week of 02.20.2017 Week of 03.06.2017 Week of 05.08.2017
Of Interest
S 0315 Authorizes the Hurricane, Earthquake and Fire Advisory Committee to address the mitigation of property losses due to flood04.27.2017 The House Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee gave this bill a favorable report.04.26.2017 The House Labor, Commerce and Industry Insurance subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.02.22.2017 The Senate Banking and Insurance Committee gave this bill a favorable report.02.15.2017 A Senate Banking and Insurance subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Authorizes the Hurricane, Earthquake and Fire Advisory Committee to address the mitigation of property losses due to flood.
Sponsor: Ronnie Cromer House Com: LCI Senate Com: BI
Status: Act No. 28 Status Date: 5/18/2017
Keywords: General Governance Week of 01.23.2017 Week of 02.13.2017 Week of 02.20.2017 Week of 04.24.2017
S 0323 Prohibits local governments from enacting ordinances that declare operations or expansion of manufacturing facilities a nuisance03.09.2017 The Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee.03.08.2017 The Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Regulatory and Local Government subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment limits the scope and defines "manufacturing" and "industrial."02.15.2017 The Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Regulatory and Local Government subcommittee carried over this bill. Summary of the bill as introduced: Prohibits local governments from enacting ordinances that declare operations or expansion of manufacturing facilities a nuisance.
Sponsor: Paul Campbell House Com: Senate Com: LCI
Status: Recommitted to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry Status Date: 2/7/2018
Keywords: General Governance Week of 01.30.2017 Week of 02.13.2017 Week of 03.06.2017
Of Interest
S 0324 Allows retired and active judges and clerks of court to carry a concealed weapon 04.18.2017 The Senate Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. As soon as the amendment is written, it will be available in the tracking system. 03.21.2017 The Senate Judiciary Committee carried this bill over.03.07.2017 The Senate Judiciary Committee carried this bill over.02.21.2017 The Senate Judiciary Committee did not take action on this bill even though it was on the agenda.02.15.2017 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows retired and active judges and clerks of court to carry a concealed weapon.
Sponsor: Harvey Peeler House Com: Senate Com: Judy
Status: Scrivener's error corrected Status Date: 5/9/2017
Keywords: Public Safety Week of 01.30.2017 Week of 02.13.2017 Week of 02.20.2017 Week of 03.06.2017 Week of 03.20.2017 Week of 04.17.2017
Of Interest

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