Bills Assigned to Keyword - Week of 01.28.2019 (13)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 6/21/2024

H 3031 Changes the date on which voter registration books must be closed from 30 days before an election to 20 days before an election01.29.2019 The House Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended in subcommittee.01.23.2019 The House Judiciary Election Laws subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment changes the period to 24 days prior to a primary and 25 days prior to an election.Summary of the bill as introduced: Changes the date on which voter registration books must be closed from 30 days before an election to 20 days before an election.
Sponsor: Laurie Funderburk House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: House - Roll call Yeas-40 Nays-55 Status Date: 3/6/2019
Keywords: Elections House Week of 01.21.2019 Week of 01.28.2019
Of Interest
H 3082 Allows certain counties and municipalities to authorize the sale of alcoholic liquors on Sundays02.26.2019 The House Judiciary Committee recommitted this bill back to the subcommittee.02.19.2019 The House Judiciary Committee adjourned debate on this bill.02.12.2019 The House Judiciary Committee carried this bill over.01.31.2019 The House Judiciary General and Family Laws subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows certain counties and municipalities to authorize the sale of alcoholic liquors on Sundays.
Sponsor: Gary Clary House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: House - Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Cogswell Status Date: 1/24/2019
Keywords: General Governance House Week of 01.28.2019 Week of 02.11.2019 Week of 02.18.2019 Week of 02.25.2019
Of Interest
H 3137 Changes the funding formula of the Local Government Fund04.09.2019 The Senate Finance Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee.04.09.2019 The Senate Finance Sales and Income Tax subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment allows an increase or decrease capped at five percent beginning in FY2021.01.29.2019 The House Ways and Means Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee.01.24.2019 The House Ways and Means General Government Legislative subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment deletes the language that changes the name of the Local Government Fund and keeps the city portion of the LGF at 16.7222 percent instead of the 17 percent in the bill. Summary of the bill as introduced: Changes the name of the Local Government Fund to the Local Government Revenue Sharing Fund and requires the Fund for the upcoming fiscal year to increase by the same percentage that the state general fund is projected to increase, not to exceed five percent compared to the appropriation in the current fiscal year.
Sponsor: Murrell Smith House Com: WM Senate Com: Fin
Status: Act No. 84 Status Date: 6/10/2019
Keywords: Finance/Revenue/Taxes House Week of 01.21.2019 Week of 01.28.2019 Week of 04.08.2019
H 3274 Prohibits municipalities from enacting laws related to the ingredients, flavors or licensing of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, tobacco products or nicotine products03.21.2019 The Senate Medical Affairs Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee.03.14.2019 A Senate Medical Affairs subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment adds language clarifying that the bill is not intended to interfere with local ordinances that prohibit smoking or vaping in public spaces. 01.29.2019 The House Ways and Means Committee gave this bill a favorable report.01.29.2019 The House Ways and Means Property Tax subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Prohibits municipalities from enacting laws related to the ingredients, flavors or licensing of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, tobacco products or nicotine products.
Sponsor: Gary Simrill House Com: WM Senate Com: MA
Status: Senate - Committee report: Favorable with amendment Medical Affairs Status Date: 3/21/2019
Keywords: General Governance House Week of 01.28.2019 Week of 03.11.2019 Week of 03.18.2019
H 3355 Enacts the Driving Under the Influence of an Electronic Device or DUI-E Law02.06.2019 The House Education and Public Works Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee.01.29.2019 The House Education and Public Works Transportation subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment increases the fine from $25 to $200. Summary of the bill as introduced: Creates the offense of driving while using an electronic device.
Sponsor: Bill Taylor House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: House - Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Ridgeway Status Date: 3/4/2020
Keywords: House Police Public Safety Week of 01.28.2019 Week of 02.04.2019
Of Interest
H 3378 Allows a sheriff or local government to enforce law related to the abandonment of watercraft and outboard motors01.30.2019 The House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee gave this bill a favorable report.01.23.2019 The House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Wildlife subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment removed the language of the current bill and replaced it with language that clarifies that a watercraft identified as abandoned by the SC Department of Natural Resources may be removed by the local government or sheriff with jurisdiction at their expense.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows a sheriff or local government to enforce law related to the abandonment of watercraft and outboard motors.
Sponsor: Peter McCoy House Com: ANREA Senate Com:
Status: House - Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Cogswell Status Date: 1/24/2019
Keywords: General Governance House Public Safety Week of 01.21.2019 Week of 01.28.2019
Of Interest
H 3420 Amends the Youth Access to Tobacco Prevention Act of 200603.12.2019 The Senate Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report.03.06.2019 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendments strengthens online ID requirements, strikes the term e-cigarette and replaces it with electronic smoking device to make the definition more inclusive.01.29.2019 The House Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendments redefine "alternative nicotine products" to include all vaping products even if they do not include nicotine. The amendment prevents anyone younger than 18 years old from entering a facility that has the primary purpose of selling tobacco products. It also requires age verification at time of ordering products online. Summary of the bill as introduced: Prohibits minors from entering retail establishments that primarily sell tobacco products, alternative nicotine products or both. The bill also changes the definition of alternative nicotine product.
Sponsor: Beth Bernstein House Com: Judy Senate Com: Judy
Status: Act No. 25 Status Date: 5/6/2019
Keywords: House Week of 01.28.2019 Week of 03.04.2019 Week of 03.11.2019
H 3587 Requires an insurer or an insurance group to submit a corporate governance annual disclosure01.31.2019 The House Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment makes only technical changes.01.24.2019 The House Labor, Commerce and Industry Insurance subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Requires an insurer or an insurance group to submit a corporate governance annual disclosure; and establishes certain requirements for the disclosure.
Sponsor: Kit Spires House Com: LCI Senate Com: BI
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Banking and Insurance Status Date: 2/7/2019
Keywords: General Governance Week of 01.14.2019 Week of 01.21.2019 Week of 01.28.2019
Of Interest
H 3622 Expands the definition of a lobbyist to include someone who is employed to influence official actions of a city or county council01.31.2019 The House Judiciary Constitutional Laws subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill. Summary of the bill as introduced: Expands the definition of a lobbyist to include someone who is employed to influence official actions of a city or county council.
Sponsor: Seth Rose House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: House - Member(s) request name added as sponsor: W.Newton Status Date: 1/29/2019
Keywords: Ethics Week of 01.14.2019 Week of 01.28.2019
H 3700 Allows for shoreline-perpendicular wingwalls that extend landward from the ends of existing erosion control structures03.28.2019 The Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee. 03.14.2019 The Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee carried this bill over.02.20.2019The Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Environmental subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment requires the wingwall to be 90 degrees landward and the same height and composition as the existing wall.01.30.2019 The House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment defines the wingwall angle and height limitations and allows for future state regulations of wingwalls.01.29.2019 The House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Environmental Affairs subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows for shoreline-perpendicular wingwalls that extend landward from the ends of existing erosion control structures.
Sponsor: William Bailey House Com: ANREA Senate Com: ANR
Status: House - Veto sustained Yeas-60 Nays-43 Status Date: 5/20/2019
Keywords: General Governance Week of 01.21.2019 Week of 01.28.2019 Week of 02.18.2019 Week of 03.11.2019 Week of 03.25.2019
Of Interest
S 0323 Allows the Department of Revenue to submit certain information to a financial institution about a debtor 04.30.2019 The House Ways and Means Committee gave this bill a favorable report.04.30.2019 The House Ways and Means Economic Development subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.02.05.2019 The Senate Finance Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee.01.29.2019 The Senate Finance Sales and Income Tax subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment indemnifies the bank.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows the Department of Revenue to submit certain information to a financial institution about a debtor who has been named on a warrant for distraint.
Sponsor: Thomas Alexander House Com: WM Senate Com: Fin
Status: Act No. 46 Status Date: 6/5/2019
Keywords: General Governance Week of 01.07.2019 Week of 01.28.2019 Week of 02.04.2019 Week of 04.29.2019
S 0386 Amends and reorganizes existing exceptions under the SC Tort Claims Act02.19.2019 The Senate Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report.02.13.2019 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendments make changes to the provisions that control the circumstances under which the state, its political subdivisions and charitable hospitals may be liable for monetary damages as a result of injury caused by the entity or its employees. 02.07.2019 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee carried this bill over.01.30.2019 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee carried this bill over.Summary of the bill as introduced: Amends and reorganizes existing exceptions under the SC Tort Claims Act and makes other changes.
Sponsor: Gerald Malloy House Com: Senate Com: Judy
Status: Senate - Recommitted to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 3/27/2019
Keywords: Tort Reform Week of 01.14.2019 Week of 01.28.2019 Week of 02.04.2019 Week of 02.11.2019 Week of 02.18.2019
Of Interest
S 0397 Gives a county sheriff the same powers as a municipal police officer05.07.2019 The House Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment removes the population threshold applicable to sheriff's departments and the counties they serve.05.07.2019 The House Judiciary Criminal Laws subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.05.02.2019 The House Judiciary Special Laws subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill.02.05.2019 The Senate Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment allows both sheriffs and municipal police departments to enforce beer and wine laws.01.29.2019 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment makes only technical changes.Summary of the bill as introduced: Confirms county sheriffs’ power to enforce certain criminal laws throughout the county, including within municipalities, and gives sheriffs the authority to continue pursuits when they extend beyond the sheriff’s county.
Sponsor: Richard Harpootlian House Com: Judy Senate Com: Judy
Status: House - Recommitted to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 2/19/2020
Keywords: Police Week of 01.21.2019 Week of 01.28.2019 Week of 02.04.2019 Week of 04.29.2019 Week of 05.06.2019
Of Interest

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