Bills Assigned to Keyword - Week of 02.11.2019 (8)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 6/21/2024

H 3945 Allows a municipality to adopt an ordinance that permits the operation of golf carts that are equipped with working headlights and rear lights during non-daylight hours03.26.2019 The House Education and Public Works Transportation Committee adjourned debate on this bill.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows a municipality to adopt an ordinance that permits the operation of golf carts that are equipped with working headlights and rear lights during non-daylight hours.
Sponsor: Bruce Bryant House Com: EdPW Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Education and Public Works Status Date: 2/12/2019
Keywords: General Governance Week of 02.11.2019 Week of 03.25.2019
Of Interest
H 3952 Allows a local government to regulate an entity that rents or leases golf carts and mopeds within its jurisdiction03.05.2019 The House Education and Public Works Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended in the subcommittee.02.27.2019 The House Education and Public Works Committee adjourned debate on this bill.02.19.2019 The House Education and Public Works Transportation subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment specifies that the rental period is for a period of less than nine months.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows a local government to regulate an entity that rents or leases golf carts and mopeds within its jurisdiction.
Sponsor: Alan Clemmons House Com: EdPW Senate Com: Tran
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Transportation Status Date: 3/20/2019
Keywords: General Governance Week of 02.11.2019 Week of 02.18.2019 Week of 02.25.2019 Week of 03.04.2019
Of Interest
H 3968 Enacts the Asset Forfeiture and Private Property Protection Act04.02.2019 The House Judiciary Committee recommitted this bill back to the subcommittee.03.19.2019 The House Judiciary Committee adjourned debate on this bill.03.07.2019 The House Judiciary Constitutional Laws subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendments only make technical changes to clarify  that a guilty plea constitutes a conviction and permits forfeiture.02.28.2019 The House Judiciary Constitutional Laws subcommittee carried this bill over.Summary of the bill as introduced: Establishes that certain property is subject to forfeiture after a criminal investigation.
Sponsor: Alan Clemmons House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: House - Member(s) request name removed as sponsor: Martin Status Date: 3/11/2019
Keywords: Police Public Safety Week of 02.11.2019 Week of 02.25.2019 Week of 03.04.2019 Week of 03.18.2019 Week of 04.01.2019
Of Interest
H 3984 Allows an employer to choose to pay all or a portion of required employee contributions to SCRS or PORS during a fiscal year04.30.2019 The House Ways and Means Committee gave this bill a favorable report.04.24.2019 The House Ways and Means General Government subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows an employer to choose to pay all or a portion of required employee contributions to the South Carolina Retirement System or Police Officers Retirement System during a fiscal year.
Sponsor: Bruce Bannister House Com: WM Senate Com: Fin
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Finance Status Date: 5/9/2019
Keywords: Retirement Week of 02.11.2019 Week of 04.22.2019 Week of 04.29.2019
Of Interest
S 0497 Limits the amount of a stormwater fee to 15 percent of the amount of property taxes levied by the local government body01.21.2020 The Senate Finance Property Tax subcommittee carried this bill over.Summary of the bill as introduced: Limits the amount of a stormwater fee to 15 percent of the amount of property taxes levied by the local government body imposing the fee.
Sponsor: Rex Rice House Com: Senate Com: Fin
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Finance Status Date: 2/12/2019
Keywords: Utilities Week of 01.20.2020 Week of 02.11.2019
Of Interest
S 0506 Allows a county legislative authority to declare a state of emergency related to a city housing authority04.11.2019 The Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. If an emergency is declared, the amendment would allow a legislative delegation to suspend a housing authority’s executive director and commissioners. The mayor would appoint an interim executive director, and the council would retain its authority to appoint new commissioners. The amendment also expands the housing authority’s legislative delegation to include legislators from counties outside of the home county if there are units within other counties.   04.03.2019 The Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Regulatory and Local Government subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment allows the legislative delegation to declare the emergency but allows the council to appoint new commissioners.03.13.2019 The Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Regulatory and Local Government subcommittee carried this bill over.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows a county legislative authority to declare a state of emergency related to city housing authorities, which results in the suspension of housing authority commissioners. The bill also allows the mayor of the municipality in which the housing authority is located to review the suspension of the commissioners.
Sponsor: Darrell Jackson House Com: Judy Senate Com: LCI
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 5/8/2019
Keywords: General Governance Week of 02.11.2019 Week of 03.11.2019 Week of 04.01.2019
Of Interest
S 0521 Allows an employer to pay up to $2,500 for medical treatment for an employee injured on the job without reporting the injurySummary of the bill as introduced: Allows an employer to pay up to $2,500 for medical treatment for an employee injured on the job without having to report the injury.
Sponsor: Ross Turner House Com: Senate Com: Judy
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 2/14/2019
Keywords: Week of 02.11.2019 Workers' Comp
Of Interest
S 0522 Allows an employer to choose to pay all or a portion of required employee contributions to the SCRS or PORS during a fiscal yearSummary of the bill as introduced: Allows an employer to choose to pay all or a portion of required employee contributions to the SCRS or PORS during a fiscal year.
Sponsor: Ross Turner House Com: Senate Com: Fin
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Finance Status Date: 2/14/2019
Keywords: Retirement Week of 02.11.2019
Of Interest

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