Bills Assigned to Keyword - Eminent Domain (2)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 6/21/2024

H 3894 Adds new factors in condemnation actions 04.23.2013 The House Judiciary committee gave this bill favorable report.04.17.2013 The House Judiciary committee did not take action on this bill although it was on the agenda.04.11.2013 The House Judiciary Special Laws subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report with an amendment. The amendment adds restriction of access to property as a factor that must be considered in eminent domain to determine just compensation.Summary of the bill as introduced: Includes diminution in value of the landowner's remaining property caused by reconfiguration of roadways and circuitous access in factors considered related to just compensation in condemnation actions.
Sponsor: Alan D. Clemmons House Com: Judy Senate Com: Judy
Status: Senate - Referred to Subcommittee: Rankin (ch), Young, Kimpson Status Date: 4/4/2014
Keywords: Eminent Domain
Of Interest
H 4943 Prohibits a public body from acquiring a mortgage through eminent domainSummary of the bill as introduced: Prohibits a public body from acquiring a mortgage using the power of eminent domain.
Sponsor: Daniel P. %26quot;Dan%26quot; Hamilton House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 3/20/2014
Keywords: Eminent Domain
Of Interest

Municipal Association of South Carolina
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