Legislation Assigned to the Senate CP Committee (2)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 6/21/2024

S 0369 Makes it illegal for a person to indecently expose himself or herself in a correctional or detention facility03.16.2017 The Senate Corrections and Penology Committee carried this bill over.02.23.2017 A Senate Corrections and Penology subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Makes it illegal for a person to indecently expose himself or herself in a correctional or detention facility.
Sponsor: Greg Hembree House Com: Senate Com: CP
Status: Referred to Committee on Corrections and Penology Status Date: 2/7/2017
Keywords: Public Safety Week of 02.06.2017 Week of 02.20.2017 Week of 03.13.2017
Of Interest
S 0949 Removes the civil liability of municipal personnel who participate in community service program for probationers02.15.2018 The Senate Corrections and Penology Committee gave this bill a favorable report.02.13.2018 A Senate Corrections and Penology subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Removes the civil liability of municipal personnel who participate in community service program for probationers unless an injury or damages result from gross negligence, recklessness or intentional misconduct of the municipal personnel.
Sponsor: Margie Matthews House Com: Judy Senate Com: CP
Status: Requests for debate-Rep Status Date: 5/9/2018
Keywords: Public Safety Week of 01.29.2018 Week of 02.12.2018
Of Interest

Municipal Association of South Carolina
1411 Gervais St., PO Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211
Phone: 803.799.9574, Fax: 803.933.1299, mail@masc.sc