Legislation Sponsored by O''Dell (3)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 6/21/2024

S 0447 Reasonable time to sell and receive discounted rates on platted lots02.22.11 The Senate Finance committee gave this bill a favorable report with an amendment.The amendment sunsets the three year extension of the discount. 02.15.11 The Senate Finance Property Taxation subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report with an amendment. As soon as the amendment is available, it will be posted. Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows an assessor to determine a reasonable time to sell platted lots is nine years and if the application for the discounted rate comes after May 1 but before June 1 the owner shall receive the discounted rate. The bill also extends multiple lot discounts from five years to seven years.
Sponsor: O'Dell House Com: Senate Com:
Status: Scrivener's error corrected Status Date: 2/24/2011
Keywords: Property Taxes
Of Interest
S 0524 Adds SC Athletic Coaches' Assn to the state health planAdd the SC Athletic Coaches' Association to the state health plan.
Sponsor: O'Dell House Com: Senate Com:
Status: Referred to Committee on Finance Status Date: 2/9/2011
Keywords: Health Insurance
Of Interest
S 1197 Changes regulations on the costs of sewer lateral collection lines03.29.12 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee did not take action on this bill although it was on the agenda.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows an assessment to be levied if a residential subdivision received conceptual approval from SC DHEC for septic tank use and subsequently five or more lots in the subdivision were denied permits by the Department. The assessment may be levied on the abutting parcels in the subdivision for the actual costs of the sewer lateral collection lines, transmission lines and association infrastructure.
Sponsor: O'Dell House Com: Senate Com:
Status: Referred to Subcommittee: Campbell (ch), Cleary, Williams, Nicholson, Gregory Status Date: 2/10/2012
Keywords: Sewer
Of Interest

Municipal Association of South Carolina
1411 Gervais St., PO Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211
Phone: 803.799.9574, Fax: 803.933.1299, mail@masc.sc