Legislation Sponsored by Leonidas Stavrinakis (10)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 6/21/2024

H 3482 Authorizes a county to establish an alternative payment schedule for property taxes05.04.2021 The Senate Finance Committee gave this bill a favorable report.05.04.2021 The Senate Finance Property Tax subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Authorizes a county to establish an alternative payment schedule for property taxes.
Sponsor: Leonidas Stavrinakis House Com: WM Senate Com: Fin
Status: Act No. 69 Status Date: 6/1/2021
Keywords: Finance/Revenue/Taxes House Property Taxes
Of Interest
H 3918 Prohibits a law enforcement agency or officer from installing, activating or using a biometric surveillance system with an officer's cameraSummary of the bill as introduced: Prohibits a law enforcement agency or officer from installing, activating or using a biometric surveillance system with an officer's camera or data collected by an officer's camera.
Sponsor: Leonidas Stavrinakis House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 2/18/2021
Keywords: Police Public Safety
Of Interest
H 3920 Requires an additional report when a lobbyist performs lobbying activities related to the Public Service CommissionSummary of the bill as introduced: Requires an additional report when a lobbyist performs lobbying activities or has other work-related contacts with a member or employee of the Public Service Commission or an employee of the Office of Regulatory Staff.
Sponsor: Leonidas Stavrinakis House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 2/18/2021
Keywords: Ethics
Of Interest
H 3921 Revises the definitions of personal vehicle and prearranged ride in the Transportation Network Company Act03.11.2021 The House Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment clarifies that taxis are a separate entity and can't participate in the rideshare program.03.02.2021 The House Labor, Commerce and Industry Public Utility subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment allows limousines to participate in rideshare programs.Summary of the bill as introduced: Revises the definitions of personal vehicle and prearranged ride in the Transportation Network Company Act. 
Sponsor: Leonidas Stavrinakis House Com: LCI Senate Com: Judy
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 3/17/2021
Keywords: General Governance
Of Interest
H 3923 Excludes materials used in the production of electricity from a renewable energy source from sales tax Summary of the bill as introduced: Excludes the gross proceeds of sales or sales price of machinery, machine tools used in the production of electricity from a renewable energy source from the sales tax. 
Sponsor: Leonidas Stavrinakis House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Ways and Means Status Date: 2/18/2021
Keywords: Electric Sales Taxes
Of Interest
H 3928 Requires clerks of court and law enforcement agencies to report certain information to SLEDSummary of the bill as introduced: Requires clerks of court and law enforcement agencies to report within 24 hours each incident report, order of protection, restraining order or any order related to purchasing a firearm to the SC Law Enforcement Division.
Sponsor: Leonidas Stavrinakis House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 2/18/2021
Keywords: Police Public Safety
Of Interest
H 3933 Prohibits local governments from imposing a fine or penalty on a late local hospitality tax paymentSummary of the bill as introduced: Prohibits local governments from imposing a fine or penalty on a late local hospitality tax payment made within seven days of the due date.
Sponsor: Leonidas Stavrinakis House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Ways and Means Status Date: 2/23/2021
Keywords: Accommodations/Hospitality Taxes
Of Interest
H 3934 Allows the SC Department of Revenue to issue permits to sell beer and wine at multiple locations on multiple locations at a festival using one applicationSummary of the bill as introduced: Allows the SC Department of Revenue to issue permits to sell beer and wine at multiple locations on multiple days at a festival using one application.
Sponsor: Leonidas Stavrinakis House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Ways and Means Status Date: 2/23/2021
Keywords: Finance/Revenue/Taxes General Governance
Of Interest
H 3935 Creates the criminal offense of issuing a permit to conduct marine seismic testingSummary of the bill as introduced: Creates the criminal offense of issuing a permit to conduct marine seismic testing in search of oil or gas reserves.
Sponsor: Leonidas Stavrinakis House Com: Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 2/23/2021
Keywords: General Governance
Of Interest
H 3948 Allows a county to impose another sales and use tax in addition to an existing transportation authority05.03.2022 The Senate Finance Committee gave this bill a favorable report.04.26.2022 The Senate Finance Sales and Income Tax subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.03.18.2021 The House Ways and Means Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee.03.16.2021 The House Ways and Means Sales, Use and Income tax subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment clarifies that this tax is in addition to the transportation penny.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows a county to impose another sales and use tax in addition to an existing transportation authority.
Sponsor: Leonidas Stavrinakis House Com: WM Senate Com: Fin
Status: Act No. 189 Status Date: 5/31/2022
Keywords: Finance/Revenue/Taxes Local Option Sales Tax Transportation
Of Interest

Municipal Association of South Carolina
1411 Gervais St., PO Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211
Phone: 803.799.9574, Fax: 803.933.1299, mail@masc.sc