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HB 0832 - Elementary and secondary education; additional compensation for teachers with special education certification under certain conditions; provide

Tracking Level: Watch
Sponsor: Mike Glanton
Last Action: 1/27/2014 - House Second Readers
House Committee: Ed
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Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SUMMARY:  LC 33 5396  Provides extra pay to beginning teachers of special needs students in a manner similar to that of beginning math and science teachers:

  • Newly certified and employed special education teaches  shall be moved to the salary step on the state salary schedule applicable to six years of service, for a period of five years.  After five years, there will be an additional salary step provided the teacher meets or exceeds student achievement criteria to be established by the Office of Student Achievement.
  • The salary increase is subject to appropriations by the General Assembly.

EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2015 if approved by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor.


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