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SB 0297 - Elections; campaign contributions; filing of notices of intention to accept campaign contributions by county/municipal candidates

Tracking Level: Passed
Sponsor: Butch Miller
Last Action: 1/31/2014 - Senate Date Signed by Governor
Senate Committee: ETHICS
House Committee: Rules
Assigned To:
Elections and AppointmentsNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SUMMARY:  LC 28 6941   SB 297/CSFA/2 As Passed Senate

This bill is a "clean up" for last year's HB 143 which changed filing requirements for local officials.  It would allow candidates for local offices to file a declaration of intention to accept campaign contributions locally rather than filing with the state.  It also changes the exemption to file campaign finance disclosure reports from those who will collect less than $2,500 in a calendar year to exempting those who will collect less than $2,500 each election cycle.

This bill had mistakenly stated public officials would file the declaration of intent rather than candidates.  The amended version passed by the Senate fixed that error.  It also deleted a section that would have statutorily placed the Ethics Commission under the State Accounting Office rather than the Secretary of State's Office. 


Upon the signature of the Governor or its becoming law without his approval.

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