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SB 0288 - Education; provide no high school which receives funding under the "Quality Basic Education Act"; shall participate in/or sponsor interscholastic sport events conducted by any athletic association

Tracking Level: Passed
Sponsor: Charlie Bethel
Last Action: 7/1/2014 - Effective Date
Senate Committee: ED&Y
House Committee: B&FAO
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Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SUMMARY: LC 33 5658S Conference Committee Report  

Prohibits high schools from participating in activities sponsored by an athletic association unless such association publishes and distributes a financial report to its members annually.  The report is to be provided within 90 days after the end of the calendar or fiscal year and include assets, liabilities, income, and operating expenses.

Creates the High School Athletics Overview Committee, a joint committee of the General Assembly, composed of:

  • Five members of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall be a member of the minority party, appointed by the Speaker
  • Five members of the Senate, one of whom shall be a member of the minority party, appointed by the Lt. Governor
  • Chair of House Education Committee or his/her designee
  • Chair of Senate Education & Youth Committee or his/her designee

Members shall serve two year terms concurrent with their terms as members of the General Assembly.

Speaker of the House and Lt. Governor shall each designate a cochairperson from among the appointees.

Upon authorization by joint resolution of the General Assembly, the Committee shall have the power to request the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents in aid of its duties upon application of the cochairs with the concurrence of the Speaker and the Senate Committee on Assignments.

Committee shall evaluate the performance of high school athletic associations on fairness and equity in establishing and implementing its standards; and the promotion of academic achievement and good sportsmanship. 


July 1, 2014 


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