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HR 0550 - Substitute bill calls for House Study Committee on the Role of the Federal Government in Education

Tracking Level: Passed
Sponsor: Jasperse, Rick 11th (R)
Last Action: 3/20/2014 - House Passed/Adopted By Substitute
House Committee: Ed
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Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SUMMARY:  Proposing an amendment to the Constitution allowing for the election of the school superintendent in districts where voters choose to do so.

EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon approval of 2/3 of members of the House and Senate and approval by the voters in the next General election.

Replaced by House Committee Substitute

SUMMARY  LC 33 5653S  Creates a House Study Committee on the role of the Federal Government in Education to review the origins of the common core standards and to make recommendations to ensure that all state standards, curriculum, and assessments remain under the control of the state.


  • Study committee to include three members of the House of Representatives, one member of the State Board of Education, three local superintendents, three teachers, and three parents or grandparents of one or more students in a public K-12 school.  The committee is co-chaired by the chairs of the House Education Committee and House Higher Education Committee.
  • The committee is to:
    • evaluate whether a recommendation should be made that the U.S. Department of Education should be abolished
    • review the role of the federal government in public education
    • review the origins of the common core standards and federal ties to the common core standards
    • review agreements between state education agencies and the federal government related to common core standards and any liabilities incurred should any part of existing programs is terminated
    • make recommendations to ensure all state standards, curriculum, and assessments remain under control of the state

EFFECTIVE DATE If approved by the House and Senate, and approved by the Governor, committee reports are due by November 30, 2014.


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