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SB 0045 - Education; care of students being treated for epilepsy or a seizure disorder; provide

Tracking Level: Watch
Sponsor: Jason Anavitarte
Last Action: 4/13/2023 - Effective Date 2023-07-01
Senate Committee: Children and Families
House Committee: Education
Assigned To:
Student SafetyNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

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SUMMARY: LC 49 1066

The parent/guardian of a student being treated for epilepsy or a seizure disorder may seek support or services for the student's seizures while at school or participating in a school-related function by submitting to the district or school at which the student is enrolled a written copy of a seizure action plan which meets the criteria in the bill. 

The plan must be submitted to and reviewed by the school or system before or at the beginning of the school year, upon enrollment, or as soon as practicable following the diagnosis or change to the diagnosis of epilepsy or a seizure disorder. Submission of the plan can not restrict a student's school choice. 

A school nurse or personnel trained in accordance with the bill must be onsite at each school where a student with an action plan is enrolled and shall be available during regular school hours to provide support and services. The parent/guardian may accompany the student on a field trip or school-related function in lieu of a school nurse or trained personnel. 

No later than August 1, 2023, the Department of Education shall develop guidelines for training school nurses and school employees as defined in the bill. Local boards and charter governing boards must ensure the training is provided and that bus drivers responsible for driving these students are provided emergency contact information, the parent/guardian contact information, and with epilepsy and seizure disorder first aid training.



July 1, 2023 

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text