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HB 1100 - Quality Basic Education Act; include growth model; assign ratings; provisions

Tracking Level: Work
Sponsor: Casas,David 103rd
Last Action: 3/22/2010 - House Committee Favorably Reported
House Committee: Ed
Assigned To:
AccountabilityNext Bill
Curriculum and TestingNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SUMMARY:  This bill would amend Article 6 of Title 20 of the O.C.G.A. to require the SDOE to include a growth model as a primary factor of adequate yearly growth.  It also would require annual individual school ratings based on certain criteria, which would have possible bonuses or consequences.  It would eliminate the GHSGT and require EOCT’s for graduation.

NOTE: This is the House version of SB 352, an indication that there is a serious effort to get it passed with speed.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text