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SR 0153 - Education Improvement Districts; provide creation and comprehensive regulation -CA

Tracking Level: Work
Sponsor: Weber,Dan 40th
Last Action: 4/27/2010 - House Third Reading Lost
Senate Committee: ED&Y
House Committee: Ed
Assigned To:
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Staff Analysis of the Legislation



            This resolution calls for a referendum to amend the Constitution to provide local law to create and regulate education improvement districts to provide facilities to one or more public or special schools.



  • The purpose of an education improvement district is to provide facilities for public schools and/or special schools to include new buildings, capital improvements to existing buildings, leasing of buildings, or a combination thereof.
  • An education improvement district would be composed of a single, contiguous geographical area containing at least 500 acres with a population of at least 2,000 people and may cross school system lines.
  • If such a district is created by local law, an administrative body for the district would include representation from each LBOE included, and representation from the special school, if included.
  • The local law would have to provide for the duration of the district and address such factors as closure and sale of a facility provided for under the district.
  • All local representatives and senators who represent any part of the educational improvement district would have to sign the local law.
  • Resolutions from LBOE’s affected and the governing board of a special school
  • Approval by local voters residing in the education improvement district would be necessary in a referendum (specified for once a year around existing elections), that would specify the tax rate to be levied, identify the facilities to be improved or built and the cost of same.
  • The administrative body of the education improvement district would be authorized to levy taxes, but only at the rate in the referendum, and the tax would not apply to any homestead exempt citizens over age 65.
  • The administrative body would be able to accept contributions toward the facilities.
  • The administrative body would be able to incur debt.
  • The facilities so created would be provided for in a cooperative agreement executed jointly by the administrative body and any LBOE’s and the governing bodies of the special school(s).


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