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HB 0413 - Public Officers and Employees; condition of employment; prohibition requires residence; provide exception

Tracking Level: New Bill
Sponsor: Hatfield,Mark 177th
Last Action: 2/18/2010 - House Committee Favorably Reported
House Committee: GAff
Assigned To:
GovernanceNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


            This bill would amend Article 1 of Chapter 2 of Title 45 of the O.C.G.A. to provide the General Assembly the authority to grant exemptions to the prohibition in current law for a municipal or county government to require that their employees (or a specific employee) reside within the boundaries of the municipality or county.



            This bill would enable local governments to petition the General Assembly to allow them to require a county manager, a school superintendent, a bookkeeper, or any other officer or employee to live within the city limits or county boundaries.

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