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SB 0143 - Public Meetings; limitation on action to contest agency action, recording, notice of time/place; change certain provisions

Tracking Level: Watch
Sponsor: Brown,Robert 26th
Last Action: 4/12/2010 - House Committee Favorably Reported
Senate Committee: GvtO
House Committee: Judy
Assigned To:
GovernanceNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


            This bill would amend Chapter 14 of Title 50 of the O.C. G. A. to change the Open Meetings Act to specify how a challenge may be made to actions taken when the law is alleged to have been violated.



  • The current law requires that any action contesting a resolution, rule, regulation, ordinance or other formal action taken during a meeting that allegedly was in violation of the Open Meetings Act be filed within 90 days of the date of the contested action.
  • The proposed change would prohibit such action from proceeding when the contested action involved acquisition of real estate until the minutes of the contested meeting have been made public.
  • The proposed change clarifies that discussions of real estate acquisition are exempt from the Open Meetings Act, but final action to approve or disapprove such acquisitions must be made in a public meeting.


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