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HR 1219 - Education, Department of; implement safe guards for recruitment of 17-year-olds; urge

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Benfield,Stephanie 85th
Last Action: 2/2/2010 - House Second Readers
House Committee: D&VA
Assigned To:
Curriculum and TestingNext Bill
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Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SUMMARY:  This resolution calls for the DOE and all school systems to protect the rights of children under 17 from military recruitment and to implement safeguards of the recruitment of 17 year olds.



  • Ban all military schools and ASVAB testing  for students under 17;
  • Require parent/guardian permission for participation in military schools and ASVAB testing after informing them of the military nature of the tests and that participation is voluntary;
  • Actively provide students and parents exemption forms  to prohibit schools from disclosing students’ records to military recruiters.


Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text