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HB 1374 - Overtaking a school bus; reporting violations; enforced by video images; define terms

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Parsons,Don 42nd
Last Action: 3/17/2010 - House Second Readers
House Committee: MotV
Assigned To:
School SafetyNext Bill
TransportationNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SUMMARY:  This bill would amend Code Section 40-6-163 of the O.C.G.A. to allow the use of video recording equipment to identify and charge drivers of vehicles that overtake a stopped school bus with signals engaged.


  • Buses would need equipment that recorded from both sides of the bus with date and time inscriptions
  • The fines would be $300 for first offense, $750 for a second offense, and $1000 for a third offense and thereafter.
  • Fifty percent  of the fines would be payable to the local school system
  • The law enforcement agency would send regular mail notices to the vehicle owner within 10 days with an image from the video with other notifications regarding penalties, defense, etc.
  • The videos would not be public records
  • The LBOE could use the fines to pay for the equipment, but the LBOE would be liable for the costs of the equipment.


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