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HB 0205 - Railroad Crossing Amendments

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Joel Ferry
Last Action: 3/14/2019 - House - House/ filed in House file for bills not passed
House Committee: Transportation
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Staff Analysis of the Legislation

HB 205 was drafted to resolve a road issue in Brigham City. Forrest Street, which typically sees volumes of traffic up to 7,200 cars/day westbound and 9,200 cars/day eastbound, is frequently blocked by trains. The train switch is located in the railyard not far from the road. Increased train traffic has increased the frequency and severity of the delays, irritating residents and commuters. This bill would require the train to move and allow traffic to pass through if the train is stopped for more than 15 minutes with more than five cars waiting on roads that see more than 5,000 cars per day.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text