Park (Park) Cannon (D-058)

State Representative Park Cannon

Park (Park) Cannon (D-058)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 404.656.0287
FAX: 404.656.5644
District: 404.246.3790
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 607-H Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334
931 Monroe Drive, NE
Atlanta, GA 30308
Residence:Atlanta, GA

Committee Assignments


My name is Park Cannon and I'm proud to be the Democratic State Representative for Georgia House District 58. Representing the people of House District 58 is my passion. As a member of the wonderful LGBTQIA+ Community/rainbow community and a Georgia born and raised girl, I look forward in making a positive impact that will encompass our vibrant district. My family and I are long-time Old Fourth Ward residents. I was born at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, near Albany State College to my father; a Vietnam Veteran who retired Master Sergeant at the Albany Marine Corps Logistics Base, and my mother, a pharmaceutical representative from Camilla. It's hard to not have a sense of justice when growing up in a state as historic as Georgia. Early on I gravitated towards issues that inspired the civil rights movements, frequented the spots visited by Martin Luther King Jr. and studied the impact of social justice in our society. As a proud product of the Georgia Public School system, I saw how prejudice impacted our communities. One of my earliest memories involves watching local residents ride around with confederate flags and KKK materials after school. These experiences fueled my need for an equal future and inspired the person I've now become. I was a young, publicly politicized, African-American woman before President Obama was first elected. In celebration of his historic nomination I created an original modern dance piece entitled "Yes, we can!" and performed it in front of my school. After graduating high school I attended Chapman University in Los Angeles. Coming to a place so far away from Georgia was a cultural shift for me. Like many 18 year olds learning how to grapple the qualms of the world, I struggled. The situations experienced in college continued to fuel and strengthen my desire for social justice. My world view had widened and with it a new sense of unfathomable wisdom took hold. I entered the workforce and enrolled at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, I graduated with two majors - Hispanic Linguistics and Linguistics - and a minor in women's and gender studies. While at Chapel Hill I spent my summers in Ecuador, Mexico, Portugal, and in the Old Fourth Ward. I graduated with a job offer from The Feminist Health Center, in the heart of Atlanta. Immediately after graduation, I began work in Black Women's health promotion and lobbied as a health advocate. At the clinic, I used my Spanish fluency daily, and met Rep. Simone Bell, a staunch pro-choice ally at the Capitol. When Rep. Bell announced she was accepting a new position at Lambda Legal, she personally called me to ask if I would run for her seat. Since we share a profound love for people and advocacy, we both knew this was an opportunity to realize my dream of helping people through policymaking. Thus my political career began. I ran for this seat because I represent what is lacking at the Capitol. Women are dramatically underrepresented. We make up 54% of the state's population yet are only 23% of the elected officials. The statistics involving African-American women are even worse. I have locked hair. I identify as queer. I grew up in a single parent household that was shaped by domestic violence. I love my middle class multi-generational home. I grew up with celebrities' kids and kids who went home to no lights. I was even homeless for a semester in college. I think that where you come from and what you have seen along the way matters, as we are made of these experiences. There is not ONE District 58 - there is a rainbow of experiences and needs. There is not ONE Georgia - there is a sea of working families and small businesses that need a voice. As your State Representative, I will continue to advocate for growth in our neighborhoods to be balanced, smart and neighborhood-approved. I will work every day to bring more good jobs to our families. I will continue to be a strong ally to our local schools. I will work to increase affordable healthcare for all, not just for some. In 2021, I was unlawfully arrested at the Georgia State Capitol for knocking on the Governor's door while a voter suppression bill, SB 202 was signed into law. Now that the charges have been dropped, I continue forward as a staunch supporter of all Georgia voters to ensure they they have access to the ballot, their votes counted, and to be able to pick their elected officials- not the other way around. When I'm not working, I'm dancing. I love modern dance and use it as a healing practice. I have toured with NYC dance companies and created reproductive justice dance pieces. Today, I live in the Old Fourth Ward in the condo my grandparents bought many years ago. I am two blocks from Emory Hospital, the Civic Center, and most importantly- Krispy Kreme. Most days I will choose to have meetings at Krispy Kreme. I'm also a proud doggie-mom. Nellie and Congress are eight-year-old Whippets and Yorkshire Terriers who I adopted from the Atlanta Humane Society. They loves kids and waiting with voters in line, just like their mama.

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2016    Next Election: 2024
DOB: 6/6/1992
Counties Representing