Dawn (Dawn) Gillman (R-17a)

State Repersentative Dawn Gillman

Dawn (Dawn) Gillman (R-17a)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 651.296.4228
FAX: 651.296.1326
District: 612.229.4390
Room 213 Centennial Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55155-1232
PO Box 218
Dassel, MN 55325
Residence:Dassel, MN

Committee Assignments


For such a time as this- As the founder of "Let Them Play Minnesota" a grassroots movement that exploded to more than 25,000 members, I raised more than $500,000 in less than a year. We demanded that Governor Walz reopen our schools and athletic programs in fall of 2020. We succeeded! I understand the passion and energy it takes to get things done. As a business owner, I learned to network and communicate to reach a shared goal. While other businesses are struggling to keep and retain employees, we created an environment where people are valued. As a community volunteer with the Women's Auxiliary, I served alongside my husband, who was a volunteer firefighter for 25 years. I understand the importance of community involvement and working together. As a Dassel City Council member for six years, I learned about the intricacies of city government. My passion was to create communication between the city council and community members to make responsible decisions with tax-payer money. My whole mission as a council member was to create a city people wanted to call home. My husband Brian and I have been married for 27 years. We have five children and understand how decisions now will affect generations to come. I am ready to take all my experience and energy to be your voice in St. Paul. Here are my top priorities- END THE MANDATES- We need to end vaccine mandates, get the masks off our kids, and let Minnesotans be FREE, including full medical freedom. ELECTION INTEGRITY- Minnesotans need to have confidence in the integrity of our elections. That means cracking down on voter fraud, passing Voter ID, and getting rid of vouching. PRO-LIFE- I will value and protect life from the unborn to the elderly. No tax dollars for abortion. No assisted suicide legislation. Protect life at all stages. TAX CUTS! The Minnesota government has a 7 billion dollar surplus while Minnesotans deal with some of the highest taxes in the country. Cut taxes, end the Minnesota tax on social security income once and for all, and give tax paying Minnesotans their money back. GUN RIGHTS- Protect the Second Amendment - always. No exceptions. Pass Stand Your Ground, and Constitutional Carry legislation so Minnesotans can defend their families and themselves. PRO-POLICE- God bless our police officers and law enforcement who keep our communities safe. I will support the police, hold criminals accountable, and make our communities SAFE from crime. CRT- I will be a strong voice to keep Critical Race Theory out of our public schools. I am ready to have tough conversations. Let's have an education system that values character, hard work and unity, instead of division.

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2022    Next Election: 2024
Spouse: Brian   
Counties Representing