Killian (Killian) Timoney (R-045)

State Representative Killian Timoney

Killian (Killian) Timoney (R-045)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 502.564.8100
FAX: 502.564.6543
District: 859.338.2539
Kentucky Legislature
Room 373-B Capitol Annex 702 Capitol Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601
702 Capitol Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601
Residence:Lexington, KY

Committee Assignments


Killian Timoney has served in the political sector for a number of years, holding a variety of roles and titles throughout their career. However, the first thing their friends and family will tell you is that they have never forgotten where they came from or who they've been fighting for. Committed to change in our world, Killian Timoney has set their standards high, and will not stop fighting until a proper balance has been reached.

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2020    Next Election: 2024
DOB: 9/5/1975
Counties Representing