Natalie (Natalie) Zeleznikar (R-03b)

State Repersentative Natalie Zeleznikar

Natalie (Natalie) Zeleznikar (R-03b)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 651.296.2676
FAX: 651.296.1326
District: 218.409.4822
Room 223 Centennial Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55155-1232
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55155-1232
Residence:Fredenberg Township, MN

Committee Assignments


Natalie Zeleznikar is a long-time resident of District 3B and lives in Fredenberg Township. She is married to Dan and together they have two sons and a daughter in law. She is an entrepreneur and health care leader who understands the value of hard work and Northern Minnesota Values. She is committed to serving her community as a Rotarian, fundraising for community initiatives or church capital improvement. Natalie is a member of Peace in Christ Lutheran Church in Hermantown. She published a book "The Scars you Can't See" in 2021 to promote healing from all traumas in life. Natalie's trauma was a Breast Cancer diagnosis in 2015, and after a double mastectomy is cancer free. Natalie is a fighter and will fight for all of you.

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2022    Next Election: 2024
Spouse: Dan   
Counties Representing
St. Louis