Sherry (Sherry) Essmann (R-049)

State Representative Sherry Essmann

Sherry (Sherry) Essmann (R-049)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 406.444.4800
FAX: 406.444.4862
District: 406.876.0490
State Capitol 1301 East Sixth Avenue
Helena, MT 59620-8201
PO Box 80945
Billings, MT 59108
Residence:Billings, MT

Committee Assignments


MY HERITAGE I am the proud granddaughter of immigrants who came to this country and settled in the wonderful state of Montana to do what they did best- farm sugar beets. My parents were both raised to be thankful for the great opportunities that the state and the country provided. They instilled a passionate work ethic in my younger brother and myself, which we have passed on to our own children. I am a Billings native and graduated from Billings West High School and Rocky Mountain College. MY CAREER My life's work has been in the financial services industry, learning the business from the ground up. I worked in banks, insurance agencies, and credit unions, honing my skills through on the job training, securities testing and licensing, and a Bachelor's of Science degree in Applied Management. I was CEO of a Credit Union Services Organization, providing operational, technical, marketing, and collections services to over 25 Montana credit unions. I topped off my career as the CEO of Montana Health Federal Credit Union in Billings, Montana. After retiring in 2012, I continued to work with healthcare credit unions nationwide as the Executive Director of Healthcare Credit Union Association, a national trade association that provides advocacy for the group. Now I serve the citizens of my city, county, and state as a Representative in the Montana House Of Representatives. MY COMMUNITY I believe in my community and have served on a variety of volunteer boards in Billings South Park Senior Center Big Sky Senior Services AARP/TCE Volunteer Tax Preparer Girl Scouts Treasure Trails Council March of Dimes Billings Federal Credit Union MY TEAM My family is my rock, my solace, my wise counsel, my true team. I have been married to Jeff Essmann for 22 years. We enjoy my son, his wife and beautiful daughter; and my daughter, her husband and their two handsome sons. My mother lives an active life in assisted living and still provides me with much maternal advice! Sadly, my younger brother passed away in 2021 and I miss him dearly. Much love and thanks to all of you!

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2021    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Jeff Essmann   
Counties Representing