5/28/10 Legislative Update
Story Date: 5/28/2010


The House and Senate Conferees were appointed this week and met to work out the differences between the two versions of the budget. Late on Thursday afternoon, they reached an agreement on the budget. The main issues that were resolved included funding for the judicial department, public safety, and health care.


There were no funding items affecting Clemson that were different in the two versions but several provisos that had a negative impact on Clemson were deleted. The compromise also deleted the proviso to close the TERI program as of July 1, 2010.


The Conference Report must be adopted by the House and Senate and then the bill will go to the Governor where he has five days excluding Sundays to veto (line item) or sign the bill.


The recurring cuts that Clemson potentially faces for the FY 2011-12 budget, when stimulus monies are eliminated, will total $23 million.  In that case, Clemson’s recurring state support will have been reduced by more than $75 million since June 30, 2008. State support would be approximately what it was 25 years ago, not adjusted for inflation.



H.3104 – Representative Murrell Smith – A bill to create a SC College and University Board of Regents – pending in the House Education and Public Works Committee.


H.3147 – Representative Garry Smith and others – A bill to restructure state government by creating a Department of Administration – pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee.


H.3584 – Representative Harrell and others – A bill to raise the cigarette tax by 50 cents per pack – Passed by the House and Senate, vetoed by the Governor, veto overridden and became law.


H.3365 – Representative Cooper – A bill to provide regulatory reform for the state supported research universities and the four year comprehensive institutions in SC. This bill is a collaborative effort by these institutions to propose regulatory reform in the areas of human resources, facilities, finance and procurement – pending second reading on the Senate Calendar with Senator Bryant objecting to the bill.


H.3395 – Representative Harrell and others – A bill to conform the SC Code of Laws to reflect any constitutional change in the amount required to be held in the General Reserve Fund – ratified, vetoed by the Governor, veto overridden and became law.  


H.3396 – Representative Harrell and others – A Joint Resolution to increase the General Reserve Fund from three to five percent of general fund revenue of the latest completed fiscal year – ratified, Governor’s signature not required, became law on April 20, 2010. 


H.3878 – Representative Rice and others – A Joint Resolution to establish a joint committee on the consolidation of state agencies to review the feasibility and costs savings related to the consolidation of certain state agencies – pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee.


H.4005 – Representative Sellers and others – A bill to prohibiting individuals seeking election to membership on the governing board of an institution of higher education filled by a vote of the General Assembly to make contributions to a candidate for the General Assembly or sponsor a fundraiser for a candidate from the time the individual files a notice of intention to seek membership to the time the office is filled – Committee amendment adopted and pending on the Senate Contested Calendar.


H.4176 – Representative John King – A Joint Resolution to impose a moratorium on reimbursements paid in connection with all nonessential state employee travel, associated meals and lodging through June 30, 2010 – pending in the House Ways and Means Committee


H.4227 – Representative Jim Merrill – A bill to abolish the Commission on Higher Education – pending in the House Education and Public Works Committee


H.4241 – Representative Murrell Smith and others – A bill to create the SC Renewable Energy Plan – pending in the House Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee.


H.4282 – Representative Don Smith and others – A bill to make it unlawful to use a text messaging device while operating a motor vehicle – passed by the House and pending on the Senate Calendar.


H. 4386 – Representative Thompson and others – A bill to limit members of boards of trustees of SC public colleges and universities to three four-year terms – pending in the House Judiciary Committee.


H.4478 – Representative Harrell and others – The SC Economic Competitiveness Act – includes allowing the Department of Commerce to award one-third of the funds associated with the endowed chairs program – pending on the Senate contested calendar.


H.4539 – Representative Mike Pitts and others – A bill to transfer the State Veterinarian and the Livestock and Poultry Health Division from Clemson University to the SC Department of Agriculture – pending in the House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee.


H.4587 – Representative Umphlett and others – A bill to transfer all agricultural public service activities from Clemson and SC State to the SC Department of Agriculture – pending in the House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee.


H.4589 – Representative Mike Gambrell and others – A bill to exempt stockyard owners from the training and certification requirements relating to animal facility waste management – polled favorably out of the Senate Agriculture Committee and given second reading in the Senate.


H.4822 – Representative Mike Gambrell and others – A bill to related to commercial pesticide applicators licensing requirements for application of certain substances – adjourned debate by the House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee.


H.4840- Representative Duncan – A bill to enact the “No Chippin’ Chickens Act” – adjourned debate by the House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee.


S.1 – Senator McConnell and others – A Joint Resolution to amend the SC Constitution to establish spending limits and establish a budget stabilization fund – amended and adjourned debate on the Senate Contested Calendar. 


S.2 – Senator McConnell and others – This bill implements an annual limit on the appropriation of state general fund revenues – amended by the House and returned to the Senate.


S.9 – Senator McConnell and others – A bill to establish energy efficiency and renewable energy goals for state government – recommitted to the House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee.


S.242 – Senator Ryberg and others – A bill to close the TERI program to new participants as of July 1, 2010 – on the Senate Calendar with an a favorable majority report and unfavorable minority report.


S.377 – Senator Scott and others – A bill to require public institutions of higher education to develop a credit card marketing and solicitation policy – pending in the House Education and Public Works Committee.


S.452 – Senator Campbell and others – A bill relating to SC surface water withdrawal and reporting – passed by the House and sent back to the Senate with amendments.


S.517 – Senator Davis and others – A Joint Resolution requiring certain fees charged by state agencies that are set by regulation to be approved by the General Assembly – pending in the House Ways and Means Committee.


S.553 – Senator Hutto – A bill to provide for the licensure and regulation of summer camps – carried over by a House Judiciary Subcommittee.


S.789 –Senator Rose and others – A bill to require all higher education institutions to maintain a web site that includes a record of all expenditures above one-hundred dollars – pending on the Senate Contested Calendar.


S.872 – Senator Bright – A bill to transfer the State Veterinarian and the Livestock and Poultry Health Division from Clemson University to the SC Department of Agriculture – tabled by a Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Subcommittee.


S.932 – Senator Larry Martin – A bill related to prohibiting the release of swine into the wild – the Senate concurred in the House amendments and enrolled for ratification.


S.1080 – Senators Malloy and Ford – A bill to repeal the sales tax exemption on textbooks, books, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, and access to on-line information – introduced and referred to the Senate Finance Committee.


S.1114 – Senator Verdin and others – A Joint Resolution to approve regulations relating to Citrus Greening Disease by Clemson’s Regulatory and Public Service Division – became law without the Governor’s signature.


S.1115 – Senator Verdin and others – A Joint Resolution to approve regulations relating to P. ramorum quarantine – became law without the Governor’s signature.


S.1053 – Senators McConnell and Rose – A bill to prohibit state agencies from increasing any fee for services unless approved by the General Assembly – pending in a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee.


S.1315- Senator Robert Ford – A bill to provide that all members of the Boards of Trustees of all public institutions of higher education be appointed by the Governor with advice and consent of the Senate – pending in the Senate Education Committee.


S.1323 – Senator Matthews and others – A bill to establish the “I-95 Corridor Authority Act” – pending in the Senate Finance Committee.


S.1329 – Senator Malloy – A bill to establish the South Carolina College and University Board of Regents – pending in the Senate Education Committee.


S.1435 – Senator McConnell – The Sine Die Resolution – determining the provisions of adjournment by the General Assembly – adopted by the House and Senate.


S.1446 – Senator Grooms and others – A bill related to verifying immigration status – pending in a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee.


For a complete list of bills being tracked by Governmental Affairs please go to the State Relations page of the Office of Governmental Affairs Web site: http://www.clemson.edu/governmentalaffairs/.



The General Assembly is set to adjourn Sine Die next Thursday, June 3rd.   The Sine Die resolution, S.1435 provides that the General Assembly will end the regular portion of the session not later than Thursday, June 3, at 5:00 p.m.  Legislators would return to Columbia on June 15th for not more than three days to address matters such as vetoes, appointments, and conference reports. With only 1 week remaining in the regular session of the General Assembly, both the House and Senate worked on moving legislation through the calendars this week.


On Thursday, the Senate concurred in the House amendments on S.932 and the bill is now enrolled for ratification. This bill was supported by Clemson Livestock and Poultry Health in that it expands the ability to hunt and destroy feral swine which can carry diseases that are detrimental to the domestic swine population in South Carolina.


Please refer to the Clemson Advocacy home page (www.ciclt.net/clemson) for up to date, statewide news coverage on Clemson University and related information.