Barker says schools have 'moral obligation'
Story Date: 11/15/2011

By Anna Simon | Staff Writer


CLEMSON — Report anything you think is wrong, Clemson University President Jim Barker told the campus community Monday in response to the Pennsylvania State University scandal.

The “moral obligation” rises above all else, including the university’s image, Barker said.

Everyone on the campus shares responsibility to keep Clemson safe and secure, Barker said.

No one should be afraid to speak up if they believe something’s wrong, Barker said in a “Dear Clemson” letter Monday.

Allegations at Penn State and the university’s response “have caused all of us to reflect on what we would have done in a similar situation,” Barker said.

It is “a stark reminder that each of us has the responsibility to do — in the words of new Penn State President Rodney Erickson — 'the right thing, the first time, every time,’ ” Barker said