Day 36 at the Capitol

HB 886 passed out of the Senate Ed Committee.  This requires two budget hearings of local school boards and local charter schools. And posting of the budget on the school systems or charter schools website. This is really not a needed bill but the author wants to make point with the local board he represents (Cherokee).  Unfortunately, he wants to keep everybody in the state- in for recess with this bill. ;)  SB384 The America's Founding Philosophy Act passed the House Ed CommitteeThe language has been changed to urge systems to move in this direction.

The full Senate passed HB766 Work Based Learning Act.  A positive bill.  

The GADOE has told us that the allotment sheets for systems for the Amended 2014 Budget will be completed this week.  The 2015 Budget is still in conference committee.      

The re-write of SB167 was released last night and it is a much better version than the Senate version. Although, it still has some issues it is palatable if it passes without any further changes.   The data section still has some problems but they have definitely scaled it back significantly.  Rep. Brooks Coleman and Rep. Mike Dudgeon have asked for input on the House version.  So, please take the time to let them know this is a better version. Unfortunately, the author Senator Ligon is now not supportive of this version of the bill. We will see where this goes.  Stay Diligent.

HB897 This is the Title 20 bill that is trying to add new provisions for charter schools.  I reviewed the specific provisions yesterday on my Day 35 report -so refer to that for information on our website( I would urge you to contact to request he remove sections 45 and 46.  He is willing to do so but there are other pressures at work to force him to pass the bill as is.....stay tuned. The hearing for this bill is this Thursday.  Goto: for further information on this bill as well as others general assembly happenings.  

HB875One of the gun bills had an extensive hearing today.  Evenly divided for and agianst testimony was taken. There was no vote on the bill but I expect they will vote on this later thsi week.  This bill allows/encourages guns to be carried by school personnel for security.