Heartworm Incidence Map
Story Date: 6/18/2014


Heartworm Incidence Map from the American Heartworm Society - Every three years, the American Heartworm Society surveys veterinarians in thousands of practices across the country for the purpose of looking at trends in heartworm incidence. This year, the survey was designed to gather data on heartworm-positive cases as well as to survey veterinarians about factors they believe contribute to incidence trends in their area.

The release below details the findings of the survey, which was conducted in March of 2014 and focused on diagnosis of heartworm cases in 2013. In conjunction with gather the data, the AHS has created a new heartworm incidence map, which can be downloaded from the American Heartworm Society website (heartwormsociety.org).

North Carolina is among the top ten states in the country in rate of heartworm incidence.

NC Veterinary Medical Association
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Raleigh, NC 27606-3376
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