Report from the Capitol -- State Board of Education
15076 on 8/22/2013

Common Core Controversy Brewing

As the AJC reports, Common Core is quickly becoming the newest political punching bag. State School Superintendent John Barge has lined up in support of the standards and says he may challenge Governor Nathan Deal in the next gubernatorial primary. Governor Deal’s support of Common Core may be wavering, as indicated by a letter Deal recently sent state board members. The letter, from which Board Chair Barbara Hampton read excerpts today, directs board members to evaluate Common Core. Excerpts of the letter are below:

I am writing today to request that you conduct a formal evaluation of the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards, which were in place prior to the adoption of Common Core. In this evaluation of the standards, I ask that you take in to account feedback, observations, and analysis from all stakeholders…


…While curriculum decisions are – and should remain – the responsibility of our local schools systems, the state should ensure that resources are made available so that every child learns the important of American government, our nation’s founding documents, citizenship including voting and civic responsibility and economics education and fiscal responsibility. Thus, I also ask you to work withGeorgiastakeholders to develop and adopt a model social studies curriculum that encompasses these foundational tenets...


…Additionally, while Georgia’s adoption of the Common Core State Standards did not mandate the use or a required reading list, I also ask you to formally un-adopt the appendix to the Common Core Sate Standards in English Language Arts that includes sample “test exemplars” for classroom use and to develop a model reading list… 

Ms. Hampton indicated that the September state board meeting would include an in-depth discussion regarding how best to collect public input regarding Common Core.

IE2 Update                                                                                                                       
The meeting also included a report from the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement regarding the IE2 contracts of Gwinnett, Forsyth, and Rabun school systems. The IE2 program allows participating school systems flexibility from state laws in exchange for increased student achievement. Today’s report revealed that while the IE2 systems have had some success in elevating student achievement, they are not hitting the goals agreed upon in their original contracts, which recently lead the Georgia legislature to modify the IE2 law and soften punitive measures on the systems.  

New Board Member from Gainesville

Today the State Board of Education formally welcomed a new member, Kevin Boyd, fromGainesville. Mr. Boyd indicated that he is honored to serve, described himself as an operator of a family business, said that his wife is a middle school special education teacher, and mentioned that he has two sons enrolled in public school.

Other State Board Items                                                                                                 
At the conclusion of the meeting, board members expressed a desire to draft a formal commendation for the bravery of professionals involved in thwarting the shooter at McNair Discovery Learning Academy.

Access the full agenda from today’s SBOE meeting and the agenda from yesterday’s committee meetings with supporting documents.