Capitol: 225.342.2040 FAX: 225.342.1140 District: 504.286.1960 District FAX: 504.286.1961
Room B-254 State Capitol 900 North Third Street Baton Rouge, LA 70804
District Office: 2021 Lakeshore Drive New Orleans, LA 70122
Elected: 2019 Next Election: 2027 | |
BioYear Elected- 2019Eligible to serve through the end of the 2028-2032 TermSt. Augustine High School; Morehouse College of Atlanta, B.A., Psychology; Southern University Law Center, J.D.
Judiciary B, Vice Chair
Commerce, Consumer Protection and International Affairs
Senate Executive Committee, Chair
Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee
Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
Legislative Audit Advisory Council
Joint Select Committee on Louisiana Economic Recovery
Judicial Structure Task Force
Caucuses & Delegations
Democratic Caucus
Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus
Orleans Delegation