Capitol: 225.342.2040 FAX: 225.342.1140 District: 985.858.2979 District FAX: 985.873.2069
Room B-254 State Capitol 900 North Third Street Baton Rouge, LA 70804
District Office: 7910 West Main Street Houma, LA 70360
Elected: 2019 Next Election: 2027 | Spouse: Carla (Donaldson) DOB: 5/20/1959 |
BioYear Elected- 2019
Eligible to serve through the end of the 2028-2032 Term
Natural Resources, Vice Chair
Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
Senate and Governmental Affairs
Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
Caucuses & Delegations
Louisiana Republican Legislative Delegation
Louisiana Rural Caucus