Michael (Michael) Carbone (R-SH25A)
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Capitol: 602.926.4038
FAX: 602.417.3161
District: 602.677.2643
District FAX:
Arizona House of Representatives
Room 341 Capitol Complex - House 1700 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2890

District Office:
1700 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2890
Elected: 2022    Next Election: 2024
Committee Assignments
Vice ChairHouse Committee on Commerce
MemberHouse Committee on Ways and Means
MemberJoint Committee on Capital Review
MemberHouse Committee on Land, Agriculture and Rural Affairs
MemberHouse Committee on Appropriations
MemberJoint Legislative Budget Committee
Counties Representing


RUNNING FOR-State House DISTRICT-25 POLITICAL AFFILIATION-Republican PHONE- 847-875-1803 AGE-49 OCCUPATION- Small Business Owner and practicing CFO/Business Manager for schools and municipalities EDUCATION- B.A. in Advertising & Design Minor in Marketing; Masters Public Administration Focusing on Government & Policy BIOGRAPHICAL INFO- Married for over 20 years. I have four Children. Born in Chicago, Illinois. Live in Buckeye Az since 2014. I was the Republican Chair for LD13 for 2 terms, State Committeeman, and a Precinct Committeeman since 2008. I have been elected to a school board in Illinois. Served as Vice-Chair for both my Township Republican organization and as a Young Republican.

STATEMENT- I'm a husband, a dad, a small business owner, and someone who has been involved in education issues for years, both in a professional capacity, and as a conservative activist who wanted to make sure that our tax dollars were being properly spent and that parents had a strong voice in the process.

I'm originally from Illinois and I did what I could there to fight for limited government, low taxes, and parental rights, but let's face it - I was in Illinois, and the powers that be in Chicago, teacher unions, and elsewhere, were hard at work ruining a great state. So while I was cutting spending and balancing budgets in local districts, the system around me was growing uncontrollably, and the swamp was taking over.

So my wife and I packed up the family and moved to Arizona, where individual liberties and common-sense conservative values were valued and celebrated. Now I am fishing, shooting, and getting back into hunting for the first time since I was a kid. Arizona has been awesome for my family and I, however, we are now facing an invasion of sorts from California and other failing states (including New York and Illinois), where people who ruined their states are fleeing for well-functioning states like Arizona. Except they are bringing their failed ideas and bad voting habits with them.

That's why I agreed to step up and run for office. I know business, I know education, I know how to craft balanced budgets and I know how important it is to keep taxes low and regulations as limited as possible. I know how important local industries and sectors like ranching and agriculture are to our state's economy. I also know what happens to Arizona if we lose these fights. That's why I'm 100% committed to fight for Arizona First principles.

I hope you'll join me in this fight, and on behalf of my wife and our four kids, THANK YOU in advance for your prayers, your time, your support, and your vote.

Municipal Association of South Carolina
1411 Gervais St., PO Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211
Phone: 803.799.9574, Fax: 803.933.1299, mail@masc.sc