Justine (Justine) A. Caldwell (D-SH030)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 401.212.7320
FAX: 401.222.4795
District: 401.212.7320
District FAX: 401.273.4749
State House 82 Smith Street
Providence, RI 02903-1105

District Office:
8 Aurora Road
East Greenwich, RI 02818
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2024
Spouse: David Caldwell   DOB: 11/30/1982
Committee Assignments
Vice ChairHouse Committee on Small Business
Vice ChairHouse Committee on Corporations
MemberHouse Committee on Education
MemberHouse Committee on Judiciary
Counties Representing


Dear Neighbor, I've been honored to serve as your State Representative for the last two years. Together, we've accomplished so much, even though our plans have been derailed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since March, I've spent my days getting neighbors the help they need, from unemployment benefits, to educational services, to assisting our businesses with the details of staying open and afloat. If you need COVID-19-related assistance, contact me.

I'm asking for your vote on November 3 to continue this work, and then to represent you when our lives return to normal. I know we're all looking forward to that day.

My two years as your state legislator have been during a crucial time -- the COVID-19 pandemic, and two years of Donald Trump's increasingly chaotic presidency. We've watched the President work to divide our nation and turn us against each other. We've seen our politics get uglier, and I've experienced it in my work. We've also seen the results of this kind of ineffectual leadership -- it's been ruinous in the face of COVID-19.

I don't believe in that kind of leadership. And that's the choice in this election, because my opponent does -- he literally pledged himself to Donald Trump and represented Trump at the Republican National Convention. He enthusiastically supports four more years of this. I don't.

We need leaders who will listen, reach across the aisle, and compromise when necessary and I have provided that kind of leadership. I didn't run for office to shout into a microphone -- I ran for office to get things done. And I have -- I've worked with everyone from the most liberal Democrats in the House to the most conservative Republicans, and from state officers to the East Greenwich Town Council and School Committee.

My first bill had a Republican co-sponsor, was supported by East Greenwich's drug counselor, and helped to address the opioid epidemic in our state. I worked with the Senate President on another opioid-related bill that passed with unanimous Republican support. Being honest with people and treating them with respect has helped me pass bills, even as a first-term legislator.

But on other issues, I've stood my ground and fought for our principles. I'm the sponsor of both the bill to ban assault weapons and the bill to ban high-capacity magazines. My opponent opposes these bills. I've stood up for universal access to health care, including mental and reproductive health care. Health care is something everyone needs -- and the pandemic has laid bare just how important it is to keep each other healthy.

Residents told me you didn't like how business was done at the State House and I told you I'd be a voice for reform. Before I even took my seat in the legislature, I fought for improvements to the process, and now, legislators and the public have 24 hours to review bills before they are voted upon.

I told you I would help our local governments succeed and be committed to our kids' education. I helped East Greenwich schools get nearly a million dollars in additional state aid in our last budget. Working with the Town Council and my House colleagues, I sponsored and passed a bill giving the Council permission to change the Town's tax structure to keep property taxes low on residents.

Everything is on the line in this election -- our post-COVID-19 economy, our health care, the future of our kids, our educational system, our small businesses -- I've been a leader on these issues and am committed to seeing more progress. I'm proud of what I've accomplished in the past two years, but I've learned a lot, and I think we can do even better. We need to move forward, for our families, for our businesses, and for the people of our beautiful state. I hope I can earn your support. Feel free to call/text me at any time at (401) 212-7320 or at hq@justine4ri.com.

Municipal Association of South Carolina
1411 Gervais St., PO Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211
Phone: 803.799.9574, Fax: 803.933.1299, mail@masc.sc