Capitol: 608.237.9122 FAX: 608.282.3622 District: 414.915.8425 District FAX:
Room 4 West State Capitol 2 East Main Street Madison, WI 53702
District Office: N52 W16632 Oak Ridge Trail Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
Elected: 2014 Next Election: 2024 | Spouse: Rick |
BioBorn Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 27; married; 2 children.
Graduate Marshall High School; B.B.A. in Finance and Marketing, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1988.
Business owner.
Member- Republican Party of Waukesha, Washington, and Milwaukee Counties; Republican Women of Waukesha, Washington, and Milwaukee Counties; National Rifle Association (lifetime member); Immanuel Lutheran Church.
Recipient- Wisconsin Pro-Life Legislator of the Year 2016; Wisconsin Family Action Friend of Family, Life and Liberty 2016; Associated Builders & Contractors Building Wisconsin Award 2016, 2018; MMAC Champion of Commerce 2015-16, 2017-18; WDA Dental Academy Award 2015, 2017; WMC Working for Wisconsin Award 2015-16, 2017-18; ABATE of Wisconsin award for outstanding support of motorcyclists, 2018; Wisconsin Builders Association Friend of Housing 2020; featured in Rigged- The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump by Citizens United Productions.
Elected Waukesha County supervisor, 2008-16; Assembly since 2014.