Shelli (Shelli) Yoder (D-SS40)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 317.232.9534
FAX: 317.232.4275
District: 812.327.4249
District FAX:
Room 4D-S State House 200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2785

District Office:
200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2785
Elected: 2020    Next Election: 2024
Spouse: Josh Perry   DOB: 8/30/1968
Committee Assignments
RM MemberSenate Committee on Commerce and Technology
MemberSenate Committee on Health and Provider Services
RM MemberSenate Committee on Environmental Affairs
RM MemberSenate Committee on Utilities
MemberJoint Interim Study Committee on Public Health, Behavioral Health, and Human Services
MemberSenate Committee on Joint Rules
MemberJoint Interim Study Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
MemberJoint Interim Study Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
MemberJoint Interim Study Committee on Education
MemberJoint Interim Study Committee on Energy, Utilities, and Telecommunications
MemberJoint Interim Study Committee on Environmental Affairs
MemberJoint Legislative Council
MemberSenate Committee on Rules and Legislative Procedure
MemberSenate Committee on Education and Career Development
Counties Representing
Brown / Monroe


Elected in 2020, Senator Shelli Yoder serves all residents of District 40, which encompasses Monroe County. She was selected to serve as Assistant Minority Caucus Chair. She is a senior lecturer at Indiana University Kelley School of Business and is honored to have represented her district on the Monroe County Council from 2013 to 2019. Senator Yoder served multiple years on the board of the South Central Community Action Program, including the Head Start Policy Council, and the Monroe County Opioid Commission. In 2017, she co-founded and co-chaired the statewide-award-winning South Central Indiana Opioid Summit. She has an extensive background in managing non-profit organizations focused on women's health care. She lives in Bloomington with her spouse and three children.