Greta (Greta) Neubauer (D-SH66)
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Capitol: 608.237.9166
FAX: 608.282.3666
District: 262.249.6972
District FAX:
Room 201 West State Capitol 2 East Main Street
Madison, WI 53702

District Office:
2 East Main Street
Madison, WI 53702
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2024
DOB: 9/13/1991
Committee Assignments
MemberAssembly Committee on Rules
MemberAssembly Committee on Assembly Organization
MemberAssembly Committee on Employment Relations
MemberJoint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems
MemberJoint Committee on Employment Relations
MemberJoint Committee on Legislative Organization
MemberJoint Committee on Legislative Council
Counties Representing
Kenosha / Racine / Walworth


Greta Neubauer represents her home community of Racine, as well as Mt. Pleasant, Sturtevant and Elmwood Park, in the Wisconsin State Assembly. She is the first openly queer and youngest minority leader on record in Wisconsin. She grew up around politics, knocking on doors for Democrats at a young age and running Racine High School Students for Obama. She co-founded a national youth climate organization while at Middlebury College and went on to run the organization, supporting students to run fossil fuel divestment campaigns across the country.

Greta moved back to Wisconsin following the election of Donald Trump, because she understood Wisconsin's pivotal role in securing his victory and felt a duty to bring her organizing skills to restoring Wisconsin's democracy. She served as a legislative aide, volunteered on a campaign and was then elected to represent the 66th District in the Assembly in early 2018.

While in the legislature, she has served on the powerful Joint Finance Committee, responsible for crafting the state budget, the Governor's Task Force on Climate Change and the Mayor's Task Force on Police Reform. She organized a statewide effort to expand healthcare access, wrote policy on everything from supporting the LGBTQ+ community to addressing climate change, and continues to do all she can to deliver results for Racine County.

She has focused on restoring Wisconsin's democracy through the fight for fair legislative maps. She knew the issues facing our communities could never be adequately addressed while legislators were not being held accountable at the ballot box. She witnessed how the Republican majority was insulated from public opinion by an extreme gerrymander in what experts described as a "democracy desert". After many years of hard work by people across the state, Wisconsin finally won fair maps earlier this year.

Greta was unanimously elected by her colleagues to serve as Minority Leader in January of 2022. In this role, she coordinates the strategy for the Assembly Democrats and works with partners across the state to build a Wisconsin where we all can thrive. She also leads the Assembly Democratic Campaign Committee, which successfully prevented a Republican supermajority in the Wisconsin State Assembly in 2022, maintaining Governor Evers' veto power. With fair maps in place for the upcoming elections, she is working to win the first Democratic Assembly Majority in Wisconsin in well over a decade.