Wesley (Wes) Virdell (R-SH053)
Capitol: 512.463.0845 FAX: 512.463.5896 District: 325.792.8448
Capitol Extension 1100 Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78701
District Office: PO Box 147 Brady, TX 76825
Elected: 2024 Next Election: 2026 | |
BioBorn and raised in the heart of Texas, Wesley Virdell is a veteran and small business owner in the Transportation Industry. Like many hardworking Texans, Wesley places a priority on faith, family, and freedom.
A few short years after graduating from Brady High School in 1998, Wesley served in the U.S. Air Force where he worked on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and served as a Military Training Leader.
Equipped with proven leadership, experience, and a love for Texas values, Wesley ran for Texas' 11th Congressional District in 2020. Beating all odds in a $3.4M race, he made quite a statement when he placed third out of ten candidates while spending the least per vote.
A 2020 State Delegate for the RPT and 2020 National Delegate for the RNC, Wesley now serves as the Texas Hill Country Coordinator for Gun Owners of America.
Wesley and his wife of 19 years, Sara, live in Brady, TX, and have three boys- Van, 17, Madden, 15, and Kingston, 10.
After watching TX Rep. Andrew Murr remain silent while big government mandated masks, shut down businesses, and destroy family incomes, Wesley decided to take action.
With the support of his family and countless liberty-loving Texas patriots, Wesley has announced his candidacy for Texas State House Representative in HD53 and vows to put Texas First by fighting for more liberty and less government.