Derrin (Derrin) R. Owens (R-SS27)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 801.538.1035
FAX: 801.326.1475
District: 435.851.1284
Suite 320 State Capitol 350 North State Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84114

District Office:
PO Box 127
Fountain Green, UT 84632
Elected: 2008    Next Election: 2028
Spouse: Heather   
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSenate Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment
ChairmanSenate Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Confirmation
MemberSenate Committee on Economic Development and Workforce Services Confirmation
MemberJoint Commission on Federalism
Vice ChairSubcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure Appropriations
MemberSenate Committee on Economic Development and Workforce Services
MemberSenate Committee on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Confirmation
MemberSubcommittee on Economic and Community Development Appropriations
MemberSubcommittee on Criminal Justice Appropriations
Counties Representing
Carbon / Emery / Grand / San Juan / Utah / Wasatch


Personal and Career Information Profession- Executive Director, Economic Development Professional Affiliations- Education- Ma. Ed.

Began legislative service- 2015