Jerry (Jerry) N. Govan, Jr. (D-SH093)
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Capitol: 803.734.2010
FAX: 803.734.2925
District: 803.378.5484
South Carolina House of Representatives
Blatt Building 1105 Pendleton Street
Columbia, SC 29201

District Office:
PO Box 77
Orangeburg, SC 29116
Elected: 2024    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Wanda Elaine Gibson   DOB: 3/17/1958
Committee Assignments
MemberSubcommittee on Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Special Laws
MemberHouse Committee on Judiciary
Counties Representing
Calhoun / Lexington / Orangeburg


An Orangeburg native educated in the public schools, Former Representative Govan is a 1982 graduate of South Carolina State University, where he earned his bachelor's degree in political science, Master of Arts in Teaching with a focus in Early Childhood Education, and the Ed Specialist Degree with a focus on Educational Leadership. Additionally, he has an Honorary Doctor of Divinity.

Govan has twenty-seven years educational experience working in several administrative leadership capacities including parenting, afterschool, adult literacy, dropout prevention and county attendance programs. His other work experiences include personnel, pre-trial intervention, and small business management.

A thirty-year veteran and second ranking member of the South Carolina House of Representatives, he was the senior ranking member of the House Education and Public Works Committee, Early Childhood Sub-Committee, House Operations and Management Committee, Chairman of the Public Safety Sub-Committee and Vice-Chairman of the State House Committees where he had a notable record of legislative accomplishments.

Jerry is married to the former Wanda E. Gibson of Estill, SC and they have four children, and seven grandchildren. He and his wife are members of the Historic Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church of Orangeburg where he is an Associate Minister.